Animal Wuv (cutesy for Love)

Other pinners and pinteresters gorgeous animals
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a brown dachshund sitting on top of a chair looking at the camera
Home - SodaHead
Too cute.
a dog jumping up in the air with its front legs spread out and it is saying saturday i'm so excited and i just can't hide it
oh, albatross
"oh, happy day!"... doesn't it look like this little doxie is about to click his heels together? :D
a man holding a small dog on his arm with it's paw hanging out
what a smile....
a cat is sitting on top of a dog's head and the caption says mush
A Mouse Riding a Cat Riding A Dog
mouse cat dog
a dog with fake teeth on it's face and caption that says self control level expert
The floor is alcohol and bad decisions
Most patient dog. ever.
a dog laying on its back on top of a rug
iz kyoot
tough day?
a close up of a small animal on a tree branch
Clouded Leopard Help those without to protect their nation's heritage
a close up of a cat on a rock
秘密の世界 [The Secret World]
Clouded leopard- Highly endangered through SE Asia
a tiger walking across a dirt road next to green plants and bushes on the ground
東京都恩賜上野動物園 (動物園)|TOKYOおでかけガイド
Sumatran Tiger Magnificent and highly endangered. Pls help poor nations protect their national heritage.