Learn to say 'No'

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an image of someones hand on top of a bed with the words sometimes it's better to keep silent than to tell others what you feel because
RADwars Home Page
feeling that alot lately every time i try to say whats going on in my life... either that or they won't listen to me...
a quote that says, always be grateful for everything you have
Page 77 – No Genre, Just Good Music!
I have been extremely ill and yet as I am always expected to - I carry on with life and work like I am supposed to even though I am struggling and feel entirely overwhelmed and am not coping because I am an adult and that is what adults do. Not allowed to take a break from all these things because I have Anorexia, yet Anorexia is totally breaking me
Anxiety Quote: I am severely overwhelmed with everything. It's come to a point that even small tasks make me feel like breaking down and crying. Everything is just too much for me now. www.HealthyPlace.com Under Your Spell, Fina Ord, Personality Disorder, E Card, Infp, Self Help, Me Quotes, Words Of Wisdom
Anxiety-Panic Community
Anxiety Quote: I am severely overwhelmed with everything. It's come to a point that even small tasks make me feel like breaking down and crying. Everything is just too much for me now. www.HealthyPlace.com
a woman standing on the beach with text overlay saying how to say no graciously
How to Say “No” Graciously: 3 Steps to Make it Easier
Do you have a problem saying yes to everything because you don't want to hurt feelings or let a friend down? Take care of yourself first and learn how to say "No" graciously
the words even the nicest people have their limits
enough is enough. ... No more trying to play nice.
an orange piece of paper with writing on it that says things to know about life
"No" is a complete sentence.
a quote that reads, learn the art of saying no don't lie don't make
Crock Pot Smothered Chicken with Mushroom Gravy
I really need to learn this. Stop being pushed into doing things I never wanted to do in the first place.
How to say NO. Personal Excellence Manifesto by Celes Coping Skills, Ways To Say Said, People Pleasing, Self Improvement Tips, Emotional Intelligence
How To Say No [Manifesto] - Personal Excellence
How to say NO. Personal Excellence Manifesto by Celes
a green poster with the quote when you say yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to yourself
"When you say yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to yourself" - Paulo Coelho
It can be hard to say no when I really DO want to go and do something, but I know my body and some days the fun is worth paying the price for, some days I just can't. People don't understand to go to their 2-hour "event" will cost me at least 48 hours. Invisible Illness, Rest Quote, Complete Sentence, Chronically Ill, People Dont Understand, Feeling Guilty, Chronic Migraines, Chronic Fatigue, Hard Time
Rest Ministries - Chronic Illness and Pain Support -
It can be hard to say no when I really DO want to go and do something, but I know my body and some days the fun is worth paying the price for, some days I just can't. People don't understand to go to their 2-hour "event" will cost me at least 48 hours.
the quote you have to learn to say no without feeling guilt setting boundariess is healthy, you need to learn to respect and take care of yourself