Buddhism Videos (by Alan Peto)

Videos on Buddhism and Buddhist teachings, created by Alan Peto on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/user/alanpeto/). www.alanpeto.com
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Buddhism Secrets of Cats
Who would have known that the ordinary house cat may be one of the greatest Buddhist teachers you will ever meet? Learn more in the article AND book! https://BuddhismSecretsOfCats.com
The Buddha Within 🙏
Take a break with the Buddha 🙏 The Buddha had two great teachings. Once at his enlightenment and the second at his death. At his enlightenment he realized that ALL sentient beings had the same capacity to become enlightened like himself. The Buddha stated on his deathbed that even though he was dying, we can still find liberation and refuge through his teachings, even though he is now gone from our physical world. Both of these statements are empowering.
Buddhism in 60 Seconds
Curious about Buddhism? Learn the basics in just 60 seconds: The Buddha, Buddhist traditions, and core teachings! Discover more in my article: https://alanpeto.com/buddhism/buddhism-quick-intro/
bodhi day with a christmas tree in front of a buddha statue and the words, celebrating bodhi day with a christmas tree
Celebrating Bodhi Day in Buddhism with a Christmas Tree
Celebrating Bodhi Day with a Christmas Tree - YouTube
the buddha statue is surrounded by trees and has text reading,'bodh day in buddhist
Understanding Bodhi Day in Buddhism
Understanding Bodhi Day in Buddhism - YouTube
a buddha statue sitting on top of a bed covered in christmas lights with the words, understand
Understanding a Buddhist at Christmas
Understanding a Buddhist at Christmas - YouTube
buddhaism quick into buddhists for beginners with the words, buddhism
Buddhism for Beginners: A Quick Introduction
Buddhism for Beginners: A Quick Introduction - YouTube
buddha meditation for beginners - maha theravada vs buddism video
Mahayana vs Theravada Buddhism (2018 Version)
Mahayana vs Theravada Buddhism (What's The Difference?) - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7bpyDWac2M&t=5s