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a drawing of a creature with green and yellow wings
#homestuck artist: Kurkumut (tumblr/twitter)
an image of a cartoon character with different expressions on his face and ears, including cats
More fanart ii forgor two po2t
Sollux captor Rufioh X Horuss, Nepeta Fanart, Karkat Vantas Fanart, Homestuck Fanart, Home Stuck
aviid 4 chan u2er !!
two cartoon characters with horns on their heads, one is hugging the other's head
pinterest has driven me to madness
an image of two people with devil horns on their heads and one person holding a cell phone
Sollux homestuck
two cartoon characters laying on the ground with their hands to their ears and eyes closed
three young boys with horns on their head are standing in front of a yellow background
Sollux, Nepeta, Kanaya
a drawing of a person with horns on their head, wearing a shirt and necklace
sollux captor icon
a cartoon character with red eyes and horns on his head
a drawing of a girl with black hair and green eyes holding flowers in her hand
a drawing of a person with horns on their head and legs, wearing a blue dress