Dirk Strider

104 Pins
Collection by
John Egbert Fanart, John Egbert, Vast Error, Sigma Male, Mr. Beast
two cartoon characters standing next to each other
homestuck jake and dirk
a drawing of a man with an orange tongue and speech bubble above his head that says, anyway, what's my pride? when are they say so proud to them?
art blog
two people sitting next to each other on a gray background
homestuck dirk and jake
an image of a woman with glasses on her face and the caption says, capitalizing every word in a sentence is won't
three cartoon faces with different expressions in black and white, one showing the same person's face
a drawing of a person holding a ski pole with their hands behind his head and wearing sunglasses
two white birds with orange beaks are standing next to each other on black background
Search: yo-thats-a-freaky-ass-baby-you-got-there-dude | art blog