Getting to

Bota Bota by public transportation

Public transportation is probably the simplest way to get to Bota Bota. Over and above the environmental advantages, taking the bus and/or metro will eliminate the need to look and pay for parking. If you need more information, please visit the STM web site.

By metro

Get off at Square Victoria-OACI metro station and keep right towards the St-Jacques exit. Once outside, walk south on McGill until you reach De la Commune West street. once you arrive at the corner of McGill and De la Commune, cross over to the river side and enter the promenade of the Old Port of Montreal. 50 meters to the left of Maison des Eclusiers, you will see a wooden foot bridge leading you to Bota Bota’s garden.


By bus

Several buses will drop you off near Bota Bota.

  • 715 stops at the corner of De la Commune and McGill
  • 35 stops at the corner of McGill and William
  • 61 stops at the corner of Soeurs Grises and Wellington
  • 75 stops at the corner of McGill and Wellington.

Once you arrive at the corner of McGill and De la Commune, cross over to the river side and enter the promenade of the Old Port of Montreal. 50 meters to the left of Maison des Eclusiers, you will see a wooden foot bridge leading you to Bota Bota’s garden.