Getting to

Bota Bota by bicycle and bixi

Pedaling using your own bike or using the public bicycle system BIXI, an ideal way to get to our spa. Once you arrive at the corner of McGill and De la Commune, cross over to the river side and enter the promenade of the Old Port of Montreal. 50 meters to the left of Maison des Eclusiers, you will see a wooden foot bridge which leads you to the Bota Bota garden.


Our bicycle racks are located at the other side of the foot bridge, underneath the railroad bridge.


BIXI  , Montreal’s self-service bicycles has a few station close to Bota Bota for your convenience:

  • Angle De la Commune West street and McGill street
  • Angle De la Commune West street and King street
  • At the metro station Square Victoria-OACI, at the angle of Viger street and the Square-Victoria