Archive by category | – Viren Konde

India’s 2020 Vision

India's 2020 Vision

If India’s biopharmaceutical players are to compete effectively on the global scale and capture 10% of the global biosimilars market by 2020, India’s private sector will have to invest a considerable amount of capital in building the necessary manufacturing capacity and skills base. At the same time, the Government of India (GOI) will also need to provide the necessary enabling environment. India’s biopharma sector consists primarily of vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, recombinant proteins and diagnostics, and the guidelines for biosimilars are already in place. All India needs to take market share is entrepreneurship. The GOI’s Department of Pharmaceuticals, in partnership with  … Read more

Russia-India Biotech Network

Russia-India Biotech Network

In order to improve and encourage bilateral trade between India and Russia, the two countries have signed the Russia-India Biotech Network (RIBN) agreement to enhance collaboration in the biotechnology sector. The RIBN is jointly developed by the Federation of Asian Biotech Associations (FABA) and Russian Biotech Association. This development holds immense significance for Indian small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the biotech sectors, which are likely to be encouraged by these developments to partner with Russian biotech companies for further business expansion. RIBN will be a dedicated online platform to effectively facilitate collaboration between the Russian and Indian biotech communities.  Read more

The Business Model of Biotechnology Incubators

The Business Model of Biotechnology Incubators

Biotechnology incubators support entrepreneurs and early stage start-up companies by either competing or cooperating with other companies in the search of the most interesting, valuable and viable start-ups. Along with venture capitalists, business angels, consulting companies and institutional investors, incubators provide financial and managerial support. The incubation of technology-based start-up ventures has been dependent on the nature of R&D projects. Incubators constantly face high uncertainties regarding future technologies, potential markets, and team development. Returns on investments in specific start-ups could be generated through equity shares in the start-ups and to some extent by providing training and services to the desired  … Read more

Financing Know-Hows for Biotech Start-ups in India

The early stage life science companies are an important engine for medical innovation and economic growth across the country. The Indian biotech industry is mainly dependent on private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC) funds. While Indian biotech has shown astounding growth, funding for the high-risk models have continued to be a challenge. In recent years, Indian start-up biotech companies have been threatened by the decline in early stage funding, as private investors move to later-stage investment strategies, due to the closed exit market and a lack of money to invest in new and risky projects. Irrespective of the business model, biotech startups require infrastructure, such as laboratories and manufacturing facilities, as well as skilled people  power, and legal and regulatory knowledge.  Read more