ISS Daily Summary Report – 1/31/2024

Private Astronaut Mission (PAM) Axiom 3:
Outreach, Commercial, and Payload Activities:

The Ax-3 crew continued their mission today with completion of a variety of live and recorded outreach and commercial events. Live events included an ESA-sponsored ICE Cubes Media Set event between Walter Villadei and High School Students in Rome, Italy, and an ICE Cubes Media Set event between Alper Gezeravcı and High School Students in Gebze, Türkiye. Two HAM Radio events were also conducted, one between Alper and students in Türkiye and one between Marcus and students in Sweden.  The Ax-3 crew continued work on their complement of National Lab-sponsored payloads including Pranet Algal, βeta-Amyloid Aggregation, Cancer in LEO, Food Experience, gMETAL, ISOC, Extremophyte CRISPR, Endothelial Function, NanoRacks Module-92, and Vocalcord.  Meanwhile, Marcus Wandt performed multiple ESA-sponsored science investigations including AstroPi, Bone Health, Orbital Architecture, Sleep in Orbit, and Virtual Reality – On-Board Training Mark II. Walter and Marcus each completed their final planned CEVIS exercise session.


Astro Bit (Ax-3): The USB-C charger was swapped from the AstroPi Visual (Vis) to the AstroPi infrared light to support an Astro Bit session. As part of the ultra:space, Coding on ISS with Astro Bit experiment, students in Denmark and the other Scandinavian countries design an experiment that can also be repeated onboard the ISS with an interesting scientific outcome. The students program their own BBC micro:bit microcontrollers to implement their experiment and submit the resulting code, while being permitted to use a number of ISS common items. The winning five experiments are then performed and filmed onboard the ISS using the Astro Bit experiment. The results are downlinked to Earth and returned to the student teams for analysis.

Ax-3 Ham Pass (Ax-3): The Ax-3 crew conducted two Ham passes: the first was with Bandırma Şehit Güvenç Anatolian High School in Balikesir, Bandırma, Türkiye, and the second with Bilingual Montessori School of Lund (Stiftelsen BMSL) in Lund, Sweden. ISS Ham Radio, conducted by Ax-3 crewmembers, connects youth, educators, and members of the public with an Ax-3 crew member on the ISS via amateur radio. Participating students learn about space, the ISS, Earth observation, wireless technology, and radio science. The first-hand exposure to life in space helps inspire the next generation of explorers. PAMs are privately funded, fully commercial flights to the ISS on a commercial launch vehicle that are dedicated to commercial research, outreach, or approved commercial and marketing activities.

Beta Amyloid Aggregation (Ax-3): Experiment activities continued with the insertion of the rose kit into a Minus Eighty-Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI) to be frozen. The aim of this experiment is to investigate the effects of microgravity on the aggregation of Aβ peptides. This research is important because it could help to identify potential risks for astronauts who spend long periods of time in space. It could also lead to new insights into the mechanisms of Alzheimer’s Disease and other neurodegenerative diseases characterized by protein accumulation, ultimately helping develop new treatments and prevention strategies.

Crew Interactive MObile companioN (CIMON) (Ax-3): Educational demonstrations were performed with CIMON’s assistance to showcase the Guidance, Navigation, and Control system (GNC) functionalities and other CIMON capabilities using the 3D Kinetic Gas Theory Box Prop. CIMON is a technology demonstration project, and an observational study, that aims to obtain the first insights into the effects on crew support by an artificial intelligence (AI), in terms of efficiency and acceptance during long-term missions in space. Spaceflight missions put the crew under a substantial amount of stress and workload, and it is thought that AI could provide operational support to crew members.

Combustion Integrated Rack (CIR): The High Percentage Oxygen Bottle was swapped out in CIR Manifold #2. The CIR includes an optics bench, combustion chamber, fuel and oxidizer control, and five different cameras for performing combustion investigations in microgravity. 

Endothelial Function (Ax-3): An experiment session was performed which consisted of a series of sample collections and remotely-guided ultrasound scans. Endothelial cells form a single cell layer that lines all blood vessels and regulates exchanges between the bloodstream and the surrounding tissues. Endothelial Function evaluates endothelial function before, during, and after flight to assess how spaceflight changes vascular health. Results could support development of countermeasures to these changes.

gMETAL (Ax-3): Experiment hardware was set up in the Life Science Glovebox (LSG), and a science session was performed. gMETAL studies two-phase mixing between solid particles and a gaseous medium under various gravity levels (Earth, Moon, and Martian gravity in particular). Results support design of operational systems for spaceflight, including propulsion.

Italian Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) Operations Center (ISOC) (Ax-3): The Ax-3 crew inserted information into the ground-based ISOC website which then calculated orbital debris probabilities and recorded space weather events. ISOC evaluates a web-based space situational awareness (SSA) tool on the ISS. The investigation assesses the tool’s ability to conduct autonomous analysis of the risk of collision between a satellite and another object in orbit and compares space weather alerts with the actual experience of crew members.

NanoRacks MainFrame Alpha (MFA) (Ax-3): The Ax-3 crew removed NanoRacks Module-92 from MFA and took photos of it and stowed it for return on Ax-3. Module-92 contains the experiment Modulation of Granulosa and Theca Cells Activity in Real Microgravity: Consequences for Human Health and Reproduction. The experiment examines how microgravity influences maturation of Theca and Granulosa cells in the ovaries. Granulosa cells help modulate egg maturation and fertility, and Theca cells provide structural integrity for follicles, where egg formation occurs. Weightlessness may impair ovarian function and results could support development of countermeasures to protect reproductive function in humans spending extended periods of time on the Moon and Mars.

Propolis Effect and Algae (Ax-3): Detailed photos were taken of the algae growing in the six Pranet Algal experiment petri dishes, and they were placed in refrigerated stowage. Propolis Effect and Algae is actually the combination of two experiments: Propoli-Pranet and Pranet Algal. Pranet Algal aims to examine the growth of extremophilic microalgae life in temperate conditions such as the space environment and to observe how they react during their growth. This is important because microalgae could not only serve as a source of food but also improve air quality and waste treatment for future space missions and habitation on Mars or the Moon. Propoli-Pranet aims to investigate the effectiveness of propolis extract on bacteria in a microgravity environment. If propolis proves to be similarly effective in microgravity as it was in a previous experiment using propolis antibacterial wipes in microgravity, this could open the door for use of propolis as a natural antibacterial option in space.

Virtual Reality On-Board Training-Mark 2 (VR-OBT-2) (Ax-3): The hardware was set up, and a Life Support Rack (LSR) OBT module was viewed. OBT materials can take many forms and can often include renders and animations of complex hardware or crew tasks. As the exploration program focuses on destinations beyond low earth orbit (LEO), training time on ground remains a scarce resource and the need for short notice effective training persists despite new constraints. Unlike other media, virtual reality enables users to interact with and observe complex three-dimensional objects, phenomena, and data. In this regard, virtual reality may be a crucial technology supporting future training needs.

Vocalcord (Ax-3): The Ax-3 crew performed calibrations and collected test data for various vocal parameters using the Vocalcord application. This was done for morning and evening sessions. Vocalcord is a project developing an AI system that can analyze respiratory, phonation, and cough sounds to detect over 70 types of diseases, including some cancers.


Dragon Docking System Cleaning: The crew completed an activity to inspect and clean the Dragon Docking System Forward Hatch prior to Ax-3 departure to ensure successful Forward Hatch closure and seal. The cleaning also avoids Foreign Object Debris (FOD) compromising the International Docking Adapter (IDA) seal surface during undock. 

Environmental Health System (EHS) Compound Specific Analyzer – Combustion (CSA-CP) Checkout: The crew replaced the battery packs in all CSA-CPs and zero calibrated all units. The CSA-CPs provide real-time readings following a combustion event and subsequent clean-up efforts. The CSA-CPs are also used for continuous monitoring of carbon monoxide levels in the ISS. 

In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Urine Receptacle (UR) and Insert Filter (IF) Remove and Replace (R&R): As part of routine maintenance, the crew completed an R&R of the WHC UR & IF. After the R&R, the crew cleaned the power supply, reactivated WHC, and performed a functionality test to verify the WHC was operational following the maintenance activities.

Health Maintenance System (HMS) Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT2) Exam: The crew completed routine OCT eye exams. OCT is an imaging technique analogous to ultrasound imaging that uses light instead of sound to capture micrometer-resolution, two- and three-dimensional images of tissue; in this case, the objects of interest are the crewmembers’ eyes. Eye exams are performed regularly onboard as eyesight is one of the many aspects of the human body that may be affected by long-duration stays in a microgravity environment.

Completed Task List Activities:


Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • Portable System Configuration for EDV Fills
  • gMETAL Operations Support
  • Crew Dragon Freedom Propulsion Checkout

Look Ahead Plan

Thursday, February 1 (GMT 032)

  • ANITA-2 Sample
  • Astro Bit Gesture (Ax-3)
  • Bone Health Data Transfer (Ax-3)
  • ESA EPO Weightless, Sustainability Messages (Ax-3)
  • Food Questionnaire (Ax-3)
  • ICE Cube Media Set Event and Sample Remove (Ax-3)
  • ICA Photo and Kubik 5 Insert
  • ISS Ham Pass
  • Lumina Data (Ax-3)
  • MBLA MELFI to SABL Inserts and Media Exchange (Ax-3)
  • MERLIN Sample Transfer
  • NR Module-92 MERLIN Removal to MFA Insert (Ax-3)
  • OMICS Archive Sample into MELFI and Hardware Stow
  • Orbital Architecture PSS Assessment Questionnaire (Ax-3)
  • PAUL/TangoLab Hardware Install into Rack
  • PK-4 Data to CMAU Laptop (Ax-3)
  • Sleep In Orbit (Ax-3)
  • Vocalcord Data Collection (Ax-3)


  • NG-20 Capture & Berth
  • Cygnus Cargo Operations
  • PAM Facilitator Time
  • WHC Manual Fill
  • PCS Laptop Relocate
  • T2 Monthly Inspection

Friday, February 2 (GMT 033)

  • BRIC Cannister 25 Transfer
  • Food Transfer (Ax-3)
  • Immunity Assay Kit Gather
  • ICA Kubik 5 EC Uninstall and MELFI Insert
  • JAXA Media Take 7
  • MERLIN 1 Transfer
  • NanoRacks Module-92 Install into MFA
  • OMICS Archive Collections
  • Orbital Architecture PSS Assessment Cognition Test and Questionnaire (Ax-3)
  • Polar Desiccant Swaps and Transfers
  • Rhodium Crystal Preservation-02 Science Chambers Initial Transfer
  • RSat Stow
  • SASHA Blood Collection Setup (Ax-3)
  • TangoLab 3 & 4 Cartridge Replace
  • VR Mental Care Charging


  • PAM Facilitator Time
  • Dragon SSC Relocate
  • Emergency Equipment Transfer

Saturday, February 3 (GMT 034)

  • AC-2 Touch
  • MABL-A Sample Exchanges
  • Rhodium Crystal Preservation-02 Merlin Insert


  • Ax-3 Undock
  • PAM Facilitator Time
  • Dragon SSC Return
  • PCS Laptop Relocate

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • PAM Facilitator Time
  • US EVA Audit of EMU Equipment Bag
  • Dragon Docking System Cleaning
  • BioMole MinION 2.0 Stow
  • JAXA Payload Laptop Terminal 4 USB Connection
  • PCS Laptop Relocate
  • IFM WHC UR and IF R&R
  • NORS Tank Prepack
  • HMS OCT2 Exam
  • Hygiene Kit Search
  • ECLSS PEPS Inspection
  • CSA-CP Extended Maintenance
  • USOS Window Shutter Close