ISS Daily Summary Report – 05/26/14

European Physiology Module (EPM) Rack Reconfiguration: Commander (CDR) Swanson reconfigured the EPM rack in preparation for the Plasma-Kristall 4 investigation planned for Increment 41. He swapped out close-out panels, stowage containers, and CARDIOLAB within the EPM rack.

Remote Power Control Module (RPCM) Trip: Early this morning, RPCM 4B_A RPC #4 tripped. This Remote Power Controller (RPC) feeds the Loop A Early External Thermal Control System (EETCS) pump.  While this pump is plumbed into PVTCS 2B as part of the hybrid configuration due to the PVTCS leak, the pump was not running. The pump has been powered to provide quantity sensor data.  Ground controllers have reviewed the trip data and agree this is a real overcurrent event. There is no immediate impact to cooling as the PVTCS 2B Loop continues to operate nominally in the hybrid configuration.  A Timeliner bundle is currently monitoring 6 sensors on the Loop B leg, two of which come from this pump. With the RPC open the Timeliner will continue to see the last value from the accumulator quantities for the Loop A pump. Since this won’t provide accurate insight to a future leak SPARTAN has inhibited the Timeliner bundle and re-enabled the 2B PFCS FDIR.

Camera Light Pan Tilt Assembly (CLPA) Remove & Replace (R&R) Preparations: Following last Friday night��s operations when ground controllers removed the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) Boom B faulty CLPA, today Swanson installed a new CLPA on the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Airlock slide table. Tomorrow the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) will be used to install the CLPA on the SSRMS End-B.

Lamp Housing Assembly (LHA) R&R: Swanson performed two LHA R&Rs, both in Node 1.  Swanson successfully replaced the lamps in the Overhead-Starboard-2 and Port-Deck-2 locations (NOD1OS2 and NOD1PD2). Replacement of these two LHAs returns the Node 1 module to fully operational lighting conditions.

Today’s Planned Tasks

  • RSS1,2 Reboot [Complete]
  • SM ПСС (Caution & Warning Panel) Test / Manual Controls [РСУ], [Complete]
  • Laptop RS1(2) Reboot / Onboard Computer System (БВС), [Complete]
  • МНР-НС СМ-У connector inspection behind pan. [Complete]
  • Calf volume measurement / МО volume [Complete]
  • SEISMOPROGNOZ. Data copying from МКСД HDD to external media (start).  r/g 5701 [Complete]
  • On MCC Go Ф1 БМП cartridge regeneration (start) [Complete]
  • DPC (S-band) [Complete]
  • Acoustic Dosimeter Preparation [Complete]
  • S/G1 Voice Loop Comm. Check with ИКК Baikonur (S-band) [Complete]
  • SM ISS МБРЛ “РСЕ Z0000” removal. r/g 5695 [Complete]
  • Antivirus Database update on Auxiliary Computer Systems (ВКС) laptops / r/g 5705 [Complete]
  • G1-camcorder installation [Complete]
  • JEM Airlock folding table extension [Complete]
  • CLPA installation in JEM [Complete]
  • ПФ1, ПФ2 dust collector filters R&R and В1, В2 fan screens cleaning in DC1 [Complete]
  • JEM Airlock table folding [Complete]
  • Fan B3 screen cleaning in DC1 [Complete]
  • JEM Airlock – pressure release [Complete]
  • G1-camcorder close-out ops [Complete]
  • Humidity absorber retrieval from MERLIN. Kit replacement [Complete]
  • EPM – rack cleaning [Complete]
  • OF GAGARIN FROM SPACE. KENWOOD radio station settings restore. [Complete]
  • On MCC Go Re-mate cables to КСК2 from PCE (МБРЛ) to БКИПН. [Complete]
  • Restoring SМ interior into initial configuration after dismantling PCE (МБРЛ) equipment  r/g 5695 [Complete]
  • MATRYOSHKA-R. Monitoring Liulin-5 equipment readings / r/g 4110 [Complete]
  • JEM Airlock – leak check [Complete]
  • TV Comm. (ТВС) test with multicast mpeg2 flow transmission using ESA MPEG2 ENCODER prior to Soyuz #713 docking. [Complete]
  • SM Rodnik system tank valves (КВ, КН and КД) scheduled maintenance [Complete]
  • VEG-daily visual inspection of plants [Complete]
  • MELFI2 – placing ice cubes into MELFI 2 [Complete]
  • Filling (separation) of ЕДВ (КОВ) for “Elektron” system   [Complete]
  • JEM airlock relieve completion confirmation [Complete]
  • VIABLE-visual inspection of kits [Complete]
  • IMS update [Complete]
  • СОЖ Maintenance
  • VIABLE – Payload photographing inside ISS [Complete]
  • SEISMOPROGNOZ. Data copying from МКСД HDD to external media r/g 5701 [Complete]
  • DPC (S-band) [Complete]
  • On MCC Go БМП Ф1 absorption cartridge regeneration (finish)  [Complete]
  • SEISMOPROGNOZ. Archiving completion.  r/g 5701 [Complete] 

Task List

  • ARED Cylinder Evac
  • WHC KTO replace
  • Roscosmos Report
  • Ekon Photo
  • P/TV Lab CAMC swap [Completed Saturday]
  • 3DA1-Cam-Ops
  • ARED Dashpot inspect
  • CEVIS Isolator MOD
  • Cygnus pre-gather
  • EMU 3005 Photos
  • EMU LLB Auto-Init
  • EMU LLB SSC Relocate
  • EMU LLB SSC Return
  • EVA ORU Bag Inspection
  • IFM MOOT restow
  • IFM NOD1OS2 LHA R&R [Complete]
  • IFM NOD1PD2 LHA R&R [Complete]
  • NOD2O2 Cleanout
  • No-skid tape audit
  • NOD3 PEPS assessment
  • P/TV Hardware questions
  • POSSUM PL Photo
  • PMM cleanup
  • WRS MRF Remove


  • Nominal commanding
  • JEM Airlock Monitoring/Leak Check

Three-Day Look Ahead:

  • Tuesday, 05/27: JEMAL Ops, CLPA install onto SSRMS B, Recycle tank R&R, Resist Tubule Sample removal
  • Wednesday, 05/28: 39S Launch and Dock, Sprint Ultrasound
  • Thursday, 05/29: Safety Briefing, CQ outfitting, PEPS inspection, SLM operations

QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:

                              Component Status
Elektron On
Vozdukh Manual
[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) On
[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) Off
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab Override
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 On
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab Stop
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Operate
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Standby
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Standby
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Off
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Full up