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Category: Education

Picture of text of the Basic Law of 1949.

Anniversary of the German Basic Law – German Constitutions in the Course of Time

Posted by: Elin Hofverberg

The following is a guest post by Eva Dauke, a foreign law intern working with Foreign Law Specialist Jenny Gesley at the Global Legal Research Directorate of the Law Library of Congress. Every year, on May 23, Germany celebrates the “Day of the Basic Law.” The Basic Law is Germany’s constitution, which lays out the country’s fundamental rights, among …

Join us on 5/23 for a Foreign and Comparative Law Webinar on “Weaponization of Passports – Tool of War and Diplomacy: Legality, Methodology, and Impact of Russian ‘Passportization’ Policy toward Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova”

Posted by: Taylor Gulatsi

Today's blog post describes the upcoming FCIL webinar, taking place on May 23 on Weaponization of Passports - Tool of War and Diplomacy: Legality, Methodology, and Impact of Russian ‘Passportization’ Policy toward Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova.