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Archive: June 2019 (13 Posts)

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

An Interview with Chris Ehrman, Digital Project Coordinator at the Law Library of Congress

Posted by: Kelly McKenna

Describe your background. I grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah, where I enjoyed taking advantage of hiking, biking, and national parks. Since finishing college, I have lived in Iowa; Montana; Brussels, Belgium; Washington, D.C.; and Virginia.  What is your academic/professional history? I attended the University of Utah and tried many majors before graduating with a B.A. in History. …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Slow or Just Diligent? The Tale of Germany’s “Slow Judge”

Posted by: Jenny Gesley

The case of so-called “slow judge” Thomas Schulte-Kellinghaus, a judge at the Higher Regional Court Karlsruhe (OLG Karlsruhe), Germany, has kept the courts busy since 2012. And there does not seem to be an end in sight. In 2012, he was reprimanded by the then-President of the Higher Regional Court for “not properly executing his official …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols New, Tip and Top for June 2019

Posted by: Robert Brammer

Earlier this month, Margaret shared the news that now has enhanced navigation for member profile pages. With this month’s release, the display for errata associated with committee reports has been enhanced. The glossary defines errata as “lists of errors in congressional publications. The corrections are printed on sheets, or pages. The errata sheets …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

The American Battle Monuments Commission and the Commemoration of America’s D-Day Fallen

Posted by: Jim Martin

Today is the 75th anniversary of the invasion of Normandy by Allied forces during World War II, usually referred to as D-Day.  The amphibious and airborne invasions secured a beachhead in northwestern France, which allowed for the rapid build up of forces needed to secure France’s liberation. The invasion was part of an overall strategic plan, Operation Overlord, …