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Category: StoryMaps

Black and white collage - portrait photos of Mexican authors: Elena Poniatowska, Esther Seligson, Carmen Boullosa, Inés Arredondo, and Cristina Rivera Garza

Mexican Women in the PALABRA Archive

Posted by: Alyson Williams

Former Latin American, Caribbean, and European Division (LAC&E) Intern, Maria Rebecca Escamilla introduces her Storymap “Mexican Women Authors,” a multimedia journey through the works and lives of five seminal Mexican women authors: Inés Arredondo, Elena Poniatowska, Esther Seligson, Carmen Boullosa, and Cristina Rivera Garza.

Color colage of 4 photographs of artworks

Agriculture, Foodways and Contemporary Art: Creative Collaborations with the MexiCali Biennial

Posted by: Suzanne Schadl

This is guest a post by MexiCali Biennial curator and project coordinator April Lillard Gomez. During the COVID 19 lock down, the Library of Congress Hispanic Reading Room invited the MexiCali Biennial to interact with the library’s digital collections and archival materials to inform resources relating to Border Art. To date, this contemporary arts and …