Stat of the Day – May 18, 2017

#STATOFTHEDAY Among U.S. women aged 15-44, 50% expect to have a child in the future #NationalWomensHealthWeek #NWHW — NCHS (@NCHStats) May 18, 2017 Read More >

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Women starting their families later in life

Did you know that in the United States, the average age of a mother at first birth has increased 3.6 years since 1970? Not only are U.S. women starting their families later in life, but the trend depends a great deal on a person’s race/ethnicity and where she lives. Also, the U.S. has a much Read More >

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Lack of Sleep Linked With Adverse Health Behaviors

Adults who sleep less than 6 hours are more likely to smoke, drink, or be obese. Read more about sleep duration, the prevalence of cigarette smoking, alcohol use, leisure-time, physical inactivity, and obesity here! Read More >

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STATCAST: Dec. 12, 2007

December 12 – “High Serum Total Cholesterol – An Indicator for Monitoring Cholesterol Lowering Efforts: U.S. Adults, 2005-2006″ – Susan Schober, a senior epidemiologist with the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, discusses the continued drop in cholesterol levels in the U.S. Read More >

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