Three Gifts to Give Yourself This Q4

By Stacy Bohrer in Addressability, Brands & Agencies, Transparency|October 17, 2023


As the digital advertising landscape continues to evolve, the brands and agencies who are going to see the most success this holiday season will be those who evolve along with it. 

We live in an increasingly data-driven world where insights are actionable and changes can – and should – happen in real-time. Gone are the days of launching a campaign and sitting back to wait and hope the results come pouring in. Today’s programmatic world requires buyers to optimize their performance on an ongoing basis, gleaning insights from partners who offer transparency throughout the entire process.

Empower yourself to understand why activation is yielding results (or not) across the entire supply chain. Give yourself the gift of transparency by only selecting partners willing to give it to you. This should be table stakes. 

Pro tip: Ask each partner for log-level reporting. If they can’t deliver this, consider partnering with someone who can provide that level of transparency.


Addressability is one of adtech’s biggest buzzwords as of current, but at its core, what it really means is maximizing the value of every customer touchpoint. 

As targeted media-buying evolves, it’s more important than ever to seek out partners that are testing a variety of solutions to help publishers and buyers alike prepare for a future without third-party cookies and IDFAs. 

Regardless of how you reach them, connecting with your target audience in content they love in this new era of programmatic is imperative to leaning into your KPIs with confidence. 

Pro tip: Test different audiences (transparently) so you can optimize what’s working. Also, don’t be afraid to test your assumptions – you may be surprised by how performance improves by broadening your audience and/or testing new ones!


You’ve been here before at this time of year – the hours are longer, the expectations are higher and the days somehow don’t stretch enough. 

Good partners aren’t simply vendors but rather an extension of your team. This is the time to lean on those partners. All year long, prospective partners tout their white glove service. Now is the time to capitalize on that offer of support. 

You and your team have resources that are likely untapped; ask for those insights, ask for regular reporting and optimizations – and in the format that you need it so you don’t have to redo it. Ask and watch how quickly your workload begins to lessen. 

Pro tip: Schedule a meeting with your closest partners to kick off Q4 and share expectations, deliverables, and needs. Good partners want to earn your trust and business – this is the time to let them.