Political Advertising with OpenX’s Supply-Side Targeting

By Jackie Wagner in Addressability, Brands & Agencies, OpenX Innovations|January 29, 2024

The 2024 election season is upon us, and buyers are looking to gain an advantage with improved data-driven audience targeting and political-approved inventory solutions.

OpenX’s auction packages leverage supply-side targeting to enable buyers to granularly target voters across formats at scale. Buyers can quickly and easily activate turnkey deals via pre-built or customized deal IDs, across premium and direct CTV, display, and mobile inventory.

How it works

Supply-side targeting will be new to most advertisers this political season. It works by applying data directly within the bidstream, bringing campaigns closer to the supply through direct SSP-publisher integrations.

  • Reach: Matching voter data on the supply-side leads to notably stronger match and reach rates. 
  • Transparency: Layer data targeting with the SSP while accessing more political-approved inventory and actioning off of the full view of bidstream data.
  • Addressability: Supply-side activation increases campaign effectiveness through greater control over ad placements.

More publisher control means access to high-quality inventory at scale

OpenX delivers access to political-approved, premium inventory at scale across video, display, and CTV through our direct publisher relationships and proprietary publisher control tools.

Packages can be customized according to campaign goals and activated against target audiences using first-party data, our data partners, or via highly curated inventory targeting.

With OpenX’s political supply-side targeting, buyers can access:

  • high match rates via OpenX’s ID graph of more than 300 million users instrumented for identity across online video, display, CTV, and mobile
  • CTV inventory that ranks #1 in quality among independent SSPs in Pixalate’s Global CTV Seller Trust Index
  • 24-hour turnarounds on data matching and deal ID setup, with a streamlined workflow
  • the flexibility to implement the deal IDs in your DSP of choice, with transparent reporting
  • key data partners such as L2, i360, Epsilon, and more

Interested in getting your political deal IDs set up today?  Download the one-sheet below.