Categories: News

Short but Sweet – These Weeks in Firefox: Issue 137


  • aminomancer and Negin from the OMC team are making it possible to embed the new migration wizard nicely in about:welcome! This metabug tracks that effort.
  • bnasar added support for a new keyboard shortcut to toggle PiP fullscreen mode
    • You can now press the “f” key or double click the PiP window to toggle fullscreen mode
  • At long last, after much experimentation, the about:home startup cache is being (cautiously) rolled out to users on the release channel! The about:home startup cache improves the loading time of about:home on browser start. If all goes well, we expect (almost) all users to have the cache enabled by default in Firefox 113. We may continue to do a few holdback studies just to double-check the performance of the cache in the wild.

Friends of the Firefox team

Resolved bugs (excluding employees)

Volunteers that fixed more than one bug

  • Itiel
  • Mathew Hodson
  • portiawuu
  • Victoria Ajala

New contributors (🌟 = first patch)

Project Updates

Add-ons / Web Extensions

WebExtensions Framework
WebExtension APIs

Developer Tools

WebDriver BiDi
  • Sasha added support for “channels” to our script.callFunction and script.addPreloadScript commands. This allows clients to create custom events (eg DOM Mutations) (bug).
  • Sasha also updated our serialization to match the latest spec updates. This gives better control for objects and DOM nodes serialization (bug).
  • Thanks to Jamie for also fixing Marionette’s getComputedRole to return ARIA roles (bug).

ESMification status

  • Progress has levelled-off a little, but some bigger patches are in the pipeline.
  • Converting modules used in workers is waiting on ES module workers to ship (probably shipping in 114).
  • ESMified status:
    • browser: 63%
    • toolkit: 78%
    • Total: 75.5% (up from 74.6%)
  • #esmification on Matrix
  • Migration Document (with a walkthrough!)

Lint, Docs and Workflow

Migration Improvements (CalState LA Project)


Search and Navigation

Storybook/Reusable Components

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