Categories: News

These Weeks in Firefox: Issue 104


Friends of the Firefox team


  • Welcome Mandy Cheang [:mcheang] to the Search team!

For contributions from November 2nd to November 16th 2021, inclusive.

Resolved bugs (excluding employees)

Fixed more than one bug

  • Clinton
  • Evgenia Kotovich
  • John Bieling (:TbSync)
  • Jonas Jenwald [:Snuffleupagus]

New contributors (🌟 = first patch)

Project Updates

Add-ons / Web Extensions

WebExtensions Framework
  • Emilio fixed a bug that was preventing users to interact with browserAction popups using touch screens – Bug 1696786 (regressed in Firefox 86 by enabling APZ in popups loading a document in a child process, Bug 1493208)
  • Fixed a bug in the child processes initialization, which was preventing the permissions to be correctly transmitted from the parent to the child process once a non-http/https blob url is created and new processes spawned – Bug 1738713
    • NOTE: technically this wasn’t an extension-specific issue, but it was easy enough to trigger by extensions using the “browser.contentScripts.register” API method and so it happened to be reported to us as a WebExtensions issue
  • As part of the ongoing work related to the “Manifest Version 3 background service worker”, we have landed some more changes to notify the WebExtensions internals when a background service worker is being spawned, loaded and destroyed – Bug 1728326 (still only enabled on Nightly along with other parts of the “MV3 background service workers” internals)


  • flod has written up some excellent documentation on localization best practices that we should all check out.
    • Juicy tidbit: did you know that “Save document?” in English becomes “A bheil thu airson an sgrìobhainn a shàbhaladh” in Gaelic? So be careful with static dimensions for things containing text!

Form Autofill

High-Contrast Mode (MSU Capstone project)

Desktop Integrations (Installer & Updater)

Lint, Docs and Workflow

Password Manager




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