Categories: News

These Weeks in Firefox: Issue 65


Screenshot of debugger with new menu options to break on property gets and sets

  • You can now search across all HTTP requests—POST request bodies, response bodies, headers, and cookies—in the Network Monitor! Press Ctrl+Shift+F, or Cmd+Shift+F on macOS, to try it out.

Screenshot of network monitor with new search field

Friends of the Firefox team

Resolved bugs (excluding employees)

Fixed more than one bug

  • :prathiksha
  • Itiel
  • Maxime Vaillancourt
  • Miriam
  • Nils Maier [:nmaier]
  • Sorin Davidoi
  • Yuan Cheng

New contributors (🌟 = first patch)

Project Updates

Add-ons / Web Extensions


Firefox Accounts

Sync and Storage

  • “Choose What to Sync” is coming soon to Fenix! ♻️
  • New bookmark sync has been enabled by default in Nightly and Beta for the last few cycles, and will be gradually rolled out to all users in Release 70. 📚

Developer Tools


  • The inspect(x) helper shows x in the appropriate panel (bug 1575240)
  • Editor Mode is now in DevEdition (bug 1580871)


  • Added UI to disable debugger statements (bug 1577376)
  • Added ability to log event listener calls and search event listener breakpoints (bug 1567966)

Screenshot of debugger with checkbox to log event listener calls

  • Performance improvements for startup and inline preview


  • Fixed a bug where the Inspector stopped working when the “disable HTTP cache” option was used (bug 1572933)
  • Made auto-complete in the rules view more resilient (bug 1543782)
  • The rules view now shows :visited styles (bug 713106)
  • Color swatches now appear next to custom properties that appear to be valid colors! (bug 1456167)


  • Findbar is done. Only one regression so far, to be fixed soon.
  • Next up: fixing autocomplete for the password manager! 🔐
  • mconley, Gijs and barret are mentoring MSU students to fix some smaller components
    • PopupBlocking
    • Picture-in-Picture
    • Page Style
    • PageThumbs
    • PurgeSessionHistory




Performance Tools

  • Recording of native allocation stacks have landed in Nightly. It’s experimental, but you can enable it in the profiler features and give it a try. The front-end side is still a work in progress, but you can see an example profile here.
Screenshot of checked "native allocations" checkbox in Gecko Profiler settings

Be sure to check the “native allocations” checkbox in the profiler settings!

Screenshot of Gecko Profiler with "allocations" option selected

Allocation stacks in the call tree

  • The new marker infrastructure has landed, reducing the cost of markers by storing them in the profiler buffer.
  • Visualization of JS tracer data has landed. The JS tracer is not enabled right now in Firefox, but you can see your old JS tracer data. Here’s an example profile.
  • Michael, one of our most impactful contributors, is working on the profiler popup dark mode.



Screenshot of awesomebar with warning lock icon for a page with an invalid certificate

Search and Navigation


Quantum Bar

User Journey

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