Latest Posts for Job Seekers
April Petrosino

July 23, 2024

April Petrosino, an attorney at Stinson, found herself struggling at her first job after law school. Beyond just first-job jitters, the pervasive psychological phenomenon known as imposter syndrome where someone doubts their skills, abilities and accomplishments can be extremely common amongst young attorneys. Petrosino herself experienced imposter syndrome as a new attorney at her first job in the post-pandemic world and doubted whether she was cut out for a career in the legal profession.

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July 16, 2024

David H. Freeman is a consultant and author drawing from his experience in the legal industry to help lawyers become “great rainmakers.”  A former attorney, Freeman created an accountability and development training program called Lawyer BookBuilder. One current tool used to aid learning and development is music, and Freeman details how this can help a lawyer in progress in their career. 

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July 8, 2024

Michael Maslanka, an associate professor of law at the University of North Texas at Dallas, gives a few pointers on how to give a great closing argument, and certain pitfalls for attorneys to avoid. 

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Latest Posts for Employers

July 9, 2024

Attorney headcounts at the 500 largest law firms in the United States continued to grow in 2023, though growth rates subsided to pre-pandemic levels after accelerating in 2022. 

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May 20, 2024

Associate attrition rates and hiring levels at law firms fell for the second year in a row in 2023, according to a recent report by the NALP Foundation.

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April 23, 2024

As far as acronyms go, “PPL” doesn’t have the same recognition as some others in the law firm financial vernacular. And as a barometer of firm performance, profits per lawyer—a firm’s net income divided by its attorney headcount in full-time-equivalents–also doesn’t get the most attention. But should that change?

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