Dana White: Trump 'Does Some Crazy Things' but Is a 'Stand-Up Human Being'

Scott Harris@ScottHarrisMMAX.com LogoMMA Lead WriterJanuary 18, 2018
Boston Herald @bostonherald

UFC boss Dana White: Despite noise, President Trump is a ‘stand-up guy’ https://t.co/kgJ0wHMAPe https://t.co/T2RPalVuer

Is MMA promoter Dana White the newest member of President Donald Trump's inner circle?

Probably not, but according to the UFC president, Trump has called him "15, 20 times" since his Inauguration in January 2017.

"He says some crazy things and does some crazy things," White said Wednesday on Boston Herald Radio (h/t Jordan Frias of the Boston Herald). "He's one of the most stand-up human beings that I have ever dealt with in the business. Fact."

White and Trump's history goes back to the early 2000s, when Trump opened his Atlantic City casino to the UFC at a time when the company was persona non grata at other venues.

Among the topics the pair discuss? The opioid epidemic and Trump's desire to bring UFC champions to the White House, White said.

White labeled himself "very anti-Hillary," along with "the rest of the country."   

"I'm a Trump guy," White added. "If you don't like the way this turned out, you should have voted. You lost. ... You ride out your four years, and then you vote again when the elections come up."