Protecting Wildlife
Mitigating Human-Wildlife Conflict
Securing Habitat
Supporting the Community
Our vision is to create a world where conservation supports the people, so that people support conservation.
Protecting Wildlife
Mitigating Human-Wildlife Conflict
Securing Habitat
Supporting the Community
Our vision is to create a world where conservation supports the people, so that people support conservation.
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Kilometers Patrolled
Suspects Arrested
Tools/Weapons Confiscated
Elephants Poached Since 2019
Rhinos Poached Since 2016
tusks5,000+ kg
of Ivory Confiscated Since 2015
Kilometers Patrolled
Suspects Arrested
Tools/Weapons Confiscated
Elephants Poached Since 2019
Rhinos Poached Since 2016
tusks5,000+ kg
of Ivory Confiscated Since 2015
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from the field.

22 July 2024
Big Life and partner intel led to the arrest of 1 suspect in possession of pangolin scales weighing .2kg // Hyena killed 6 goats and 1 calf in 6 incidents

21 July 2024
Jackal killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 goat

20 July 2024
Tracker dog unit responded to a community complaint of stolen goods, tracked the suspect to the road but lost the trail // Rangers prevented 2 elephant crop raids // Lion killed 3 goats and 1 cow in 2 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat, leopard killed 1 goat

19 July 2024
Rangers found someone drilling for water, some documents were produced, but they were stopped because the documents were not complete // Big Life intel led to the recovery of 8 medium snares // Lion killed 1 goat and injured 1 cow in 2 incidents, hyena killed 4 goats, caracal killed 4 goats in 3 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat

18 July 2024
Rangers responded to the report of elephant that were on the inside of the crop protection fence, rangers were unable to push them out, but they later exited on their own, damaging a gate post, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 5 goats in 5 incidents, lion killed 1 goat and injured 1 in 2 incidents

17 July 2024
Rangers responded to a report of a house that was on fire and helped to put it out, cause of fire unknown // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Jackal killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, hyena killed 1 goat

16 July 2024
Rangers prevented elephant crop raid // Elephant attempted to cross the crop protection fence, damaged a post, fence attendants made repairs // Lion killed 1 cow, jackal killed 1 goat, hyena killed 1 calf

15 July 2024
Follow up to farm where 3 were arrest, tractor clearing same farm without documents, authorities informed // Lion killed 2 cow

14 July 2024
Big Life intel led to a joint operation and arrest of 2 suspects with 48kg of sandalwood // Leopard killed 1 goat, hyena killed 5 goats in 3 incidents, jackal killed 2 goats, cheetah killed 1 goat

13 July 2024
Joint operation led to the arrest of 3 suspects clearing and fencing a farm // Follow up from previous day, lost person was found by herders // Hyena killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat

12 July 2024
Fence attendants made repairs in 2 instances after elephant crossed the crop protection fence // Rangers successfully put out a fire that burned approximately 50 acres // Rangers prevented lion from breaking into bomas in 2 instances // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Jackal killed 1 goat, hyena killed 1 goat

11 July 2024
Joint operation to extinguish a fire was successful, unknown cause of fire // Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence damaging a gate, fence attendants made repairs // Tracker dog team worked with community to search for missing person // Lion killed 3 goats and 2 cow in 3 incidents


22 July 2024
Big Life and partner intel led to the arrest of 1 suspect in possession of pangolin scales weighing .2kg // Hyena killed 6 goats and 1 calf in 6 incidents

21 July 2024
Jackal killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 goat

20 July 2024
Tracker dog unit responded to a community complaint of stolen goods, tracked the suspect to the road but lost the trail // Rangers prevented 2 elephant crop raids // Lion killed 3 goats and 1 cow in 2 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat, leopard killed 1 goat

19 July 2024
Rangers found someone drilling for water, some documents were produced, but they were stopped because the documents were not complete // Big Life intel led to the recovery of 8 medium snares // Lion killed 1 goat and injured 1 cow in 2 incidents, hyena killed 4 goats, caracal killed 4 goats in 3 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat

18 July 2024
Rangers responded to the report of elephant that were on the inside of the crop protection fence, rangers were unable to push them out, but they later exited on their own, damaging a gate post, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 5 goats in 5 incidents, lion killed 1 goat and injured 1 in 2 incidents

17 July 2024
Rangers responded to a report of a house that was on fire and helped to put it out, cause of fire unknown // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Jackal killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, hyena killed 1 goat

16 July 2024
Rangers prevented elephant crop raid // Elephant attempted to cross the crop protection fence, damaged a post, fence attendants made repairs // Lion killed 1 cow, jackal killed 1 goat, hyena killed 1 calf

15 July 2024
Follow up to farm where 3 were arrest, tractor clearing same farm without documents, authorities informed // Lion killed 2 cow

14 July 2024
Big Life intel led to a joint operation and arrest of 2 suspects with 48kg of sandalwood // Leopard killed 1 goat, hyena killed 5 goats in 3 incidents, jackal killed 2 goats, cheetah killed 1 goat

13 July 2024
Joint operation led to the arrest of 3 suspects clearing and fencing a farm // Follow up from previous day, lost person was found by herders // Hyena killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat

12 July 2024
Fence attendants made repairs in 2 instances after elephant crossed the crop protection fence // Rangers successfully put out a fire that burned approximately 50 acres // Rangers prevented lion from breaking into bomas in 2 instances // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Jackal killed 1 goat, hyena killed 1 goat

11 July 2024
Joint operation to extinguish a fire was successful, unknown cause of fire // Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence damaging a gate, fence attendants made repairs // Tracker dog team worked with community to search for missing person // Lion killed 3 goats and 2 cow in 3 incidents

Better Business Bureau (BBB)
Charity Navigator Four Star
Best in America
Candid Platinum Transparency 2023
Better Business Bureau (BBB)
Charity Navigator Four Star
Best in America
Candid Platinum Transparency 2023