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The Contract

By Andy Biggs

On My Honor

Within the first 100 days of the next Congressional term, I will work with my colleagues to introduce and vote for legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives achieving the following:


Reduce Inflation and Strengthen the Economy

The Problem: The Biden Administration has given America the highest inflation rate in more than 40 years. Their proposed solution is to spend even more money, resulting in even more inflation.

My Commitment: Reduce inflation, encourage job creation and higher wages.

Action items: Introduce a balanced budget that ends the false promises of big government socialism and irresponsible spending. Introduce a balanced budget constitutional amendment. Introduce legislation that eliminates rules, agencies, and bureaucratic regulations that strangle Americans.

Legislation Addressing the Problem: 

  • H.R. 7262, Budget Process Enhancement Act (Biggs, R-AZ) 


Secure Our Border

The Problem: The Biden Administration has created a humanitarian crisis. They opened our borders and failed to enforce our immigration laws resulting in millions of illegal aliens entering America, the highest opiate overdose death rates in history, and terrorists and criminals flowing unnoticed into our communities.

My Commitment: Secure our border against illegal immigration and drug, human, and sex trafficking.

Action Items: Restore the Remain in Mexico Policy. Restore authority to remove illegal aliens under our statutes. Fund the completion of the border fence and other necessary infrastructure. Restore humane, proven, and effective policies and provide constant oversight to ensure government agencies are following the law.

Legislation Addressing the Problem: 

  • H.R.8951, Ending Catch and Release Act (Biggs, R-AZ)
  • H.R.1901, Stopping Border Surges Act (Biggs, R-AZ)
  • H.R.45, Grant’s Law (Biggs, R-AZ)
  • H.R.58, Fund and Complete the Border Wall Act (Biggs, R-AZ)
  • H.Res.582, Impeaching Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, for high crimes and misdemeanors
  • H.R.9174,State Immigration Enforcement Act


Restore Transparency and Parental Choice in Education

The Problem: Too many education leaders believe parents are irrelevant to the education of children. Education elites ignore federal law that requires transparency. Many schools that receive federal funding focus on indoctrination and not education.

My Commitment: Make parental choice in education the standard for school policies. Incentivize transparency in curricula, teaching materials, and processes in education.

Action: Stop incentives from the federal government that support the indoctrination of our children with the idea that our country is racist; support local control of education; and eliminate barriers for parents that want different schooling options for their children.

Legislation Addressing the Problem:

  • H.R.6603, Ending Common Core and Expanding School Choice Act (Biggs, R-AZ)
  • H.R.5162, CRT Transparency Act (Fitzgerald, R-WI)
  • H.R.3163, CRT Act (Roy, R-TX)
  • H.R.3810, Saving American History Act (Buck, R-CO)
  • H.R.3704, Children Have Opportunities in Classrooms Everywhere Act (Good, R-VA)
  • H.R.1770, SCHOOL Act (Roy, R-TX)
  • H.R.899, To terminate the Department of Education (Massie, R-KY)


Reduce Violent Crime and Preserve the Rule of Law

The Problem: Many cities and states have record rates of violent crime. Democrats have fueled the chaos by defunding police and releasing criminals onto the streets of our cities.

My Commitment: Prevent the defunding of police by ensuring that federal money for law enforcement only flows to those states, cities, and towns that adequately fund the security of their own people and uphold the rule of law.

Action: Stop federal funding from flowing to jurisdictions that defund police. Prevent federal dollars for sanctuary cities. Hold accountable federal officials who have implemented policies that have prevented enforcement of our laws.


Restore Election Integrity

The Problem: Most Americans doubt that our elections are fair and transparent. Every American needs to know that their vote, and all legal votes, will be counted, accurately, every time.

My Commitment: Ensure election integrity by protecting state authority over our elections, making it hard to cheat, and restoring trust in our republic.

Action Items. Repeal unconstitutional provisions of the National Voting Rights Act and Help America Vote Act that make it easier to cheat in our elections and prevent voting rolls from being accurately maintained.

Legislation Addressing the Problem:

  • H.R.37, Voter Integrity Protection Act (Biggs, R-AZ)
  • H.R.36, To Repeal the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (Biggs, AZ)
  • H.R. 8223, Citizen Ballot Protection Act (Palmer, R-AL)


Break Up Big Tech

The Problem. Big tech companies are encroaching on our lives, our privacy, and dominating public discourse.

My Commitment: End big-tech’s control over our lives by ending government-sanctioned intrusions on our privacy and thwarting business practices that inappropriately concentrate those businesses’ power over public and private speech.

Action Items. Remove liability protections of Section 230, and facilitate enforcement of antitrust laws against these companies.


Put America First in Foreign, Energy, and Trade Policies

The Problem. The Biden Administration has weakened the United States in international relations, made America energy dependent on foreign oil producers like OPEC and Russia, and sent jobs overseas.

My Commitment. Advancing an America First approach to our foreign policy, energy policy, and trade policy by focusing on the needs and goals of Americans, not the perceptions of foreign or domestic rivals who would have us devalue our own lives and beliefs in service of their ideologies.

Action Items. Remove the woke policies that have weakened our military. Investigate the Afghanistan debacle and the origin of COVID. Remove the executive orders that have killed the

American energy industry. Incentivize companies to return manufacturing and operations to America through competitive tax reforms and reducing unnecessary regulations.

Legislation Addressing the Problem:

  • H.R. 7197, Armed Forces Endangered Species Exemption Act (Biggs, R-AZ)
  • H.R. 3973, LIST Act (Biggs, R-AZ)
  • H.R. 8224, Fueling American Prosperity Act (Boebert, R-CO)
  • H.R. 8176, Unleash American Drilling Act (Budd, R-NC)


Reinstate Good Government Practices

The Problem. Nancy Pelosi has destroyed Congress by centralizing power into the hands of the Speaker’s office and using that power against her political opponents. The public no longer trusts the institution.

My Commitment. Return Congress to its role as representativesof the people who elect us.

Action Items. Change the House rules to spread the power from the leadership to regular members of the House. Restore members to committees. Exercise our oversight authority and investigate corrupt practices and abuse of power by members of Congress and federal bureaucrats.

As members of the House Freedom Caucus, we understand that we work for the American people. We represent the millions of American voices who have been left behind by elites and the establishment of both parties.

This is not everything that must be done to secure our nation. But it will set us back on a path that will remind us that we should be proud to be Americans. We will produce legislation that will accomplish these policies and bring it to the floor within the first 100 days of 2023. Hold us accountable.

Legislation Addressing the Problem:

  • H.R.61, Midnight Rules Relief Act (Biggs, R-AZ)
  • H.R.43, Injunctive Authority Clarification Act (Biggs, R-AZ)
  • H.R.46, One Bill, One Subject Transparency Act (Biggs, R-AZ)
  • H.R.63, Limiting Emergency Powers Act (Biggs, R-AZ)



I CALL upon current Republican leadership in the House to immediately form working groups to collect and preserve evidence on the topics listed below.

These working groups should immediately be converted into Investigative Committees in January 2023, when Republicans retake the majority.

  1. Stock trading by members of Congress
  1. Abuse of authority by government agencies against political opponents
  1. Due Process received or denied by those charged with political crimes
  1. Inappropriate relationships of the Biden family with China and other foreign governments
  1. Refusal of the Biden Administration to secure our border
  1. Origins of COVID-19 and U.S. government participation in/funding of gain-of-function research in China
  1. Abuse of speech in the public square by big tech
  1. Abuses of former Speaker Pelosi’s January 6 Committee



Unfortunately, even after Republicans win back the House and Senate in 2023, we will have to endure Joe Biden as President of the United States.

He can veto any measure that comes out of Congress, and no doubt he will attempt to unlawfully expand his power and further his radical Leftwing agenda by Executive Orders.

Congress must use its available leverage to stop any abuse of executive power and begin restoring American freedom by undoing his dangerous policies.

  1. Hold President Biden and his administration accountable by bringing Biden administration officials before congressional committees for hearings on their dangerous policies, including border security, the struggling economy, abusive political prosecutions, indoctrinating education policies, disruptive energy policies, and more.
  1. Our Investigative Committees will produce the results of their investigations, including legislation to prevent future abuses of power and referrals for prosecution where necessary.
  1. Republicans must pass rules of the House that restore normalcy and adequate representation of our respective constituencies.
  1. Use the budget and the budgeting process to stand up to the Biden administration to defund radical executive actions and use available leverage to secure policy victories. For example, Republicans should leverage “must-pass” government funding bills to stop vaccine mandates, secure the border, support our law enforcement, and shrink federal spending to reduce the national debt and produce a balanced federal budget.