Last updated on May 25th, 2024 at 04:36 pm

How To Live Or Retire In Belize

retirement home in Belize
Countryside retirement home in western Belize.

How To Live or Retire in Belize is at the very top of Frequently Asked Questions about our country. As a former Chief Information Officer and Immigration Consultant to the Government  of Belize, I share with readers some of the basics of making Belize your home here. Acquiring residency or retirement status is not as difficult as it may appear, and here we show you some of the options available to those who want to make this country their second or permanent home. Caveat: Citizens of high-risk countries in Asia, Africa and the Middle East will understandably encounter a more rigorous vetting process.

Options for Visitors Wishing to Stay in Belize for Extended Periods

There are three ways to obtain extended stays in Belize. These are the Visitor Extension Permit / Long Stay Permit, The Qualified Retired Person Program, and Permanent Residency. Tourist Card and Extended Visa is how is how many people start off here, especially those from North America or the U.K. who do not need a visa to enter Belize. Please also check out our Top Ten Reasons To Live Or Retire In Belize page.

Visitor Extension Permit

The tourist extension permit is the easiest way to hang out in Belize for a while. There is no long-term commitment – just live and enjoy the experience month by month. The procedure is relatively simple: You obtain a one month entry stamp on your passport on entering the country. After 30 days, you go to an immigration office and ask for a Visitor’s Permit Extension. This costs US$100. and allows you to stay in the country for an additional 30 days. The condition is that you not enter into employment paid or unpaid and do not engage in any business or profession. This is ideal for persons who want to extend their holidays in Belize or persons investigating the possibilities of settlement.

Visitor Long Stay Permit

Visitors wishing to remain in Belize for a longer term should obtain a Long Stay Permit, also touted as a Digital Nomad Visa. This costs US$500. and is good for six months. Applicant must be a citizen or permanent resident of the European Union, United Kingdom, United States of America or Canada. Applicant must be employed outside of Belize and have a minimum annual income of US $75,000 if the person is applying alone or has a minimum annual income of US $100,000 if the person is applying with dependents.

A person issued a Long Stay Permit can enter and remain in Belize along with their dependents, for a period NOT exceeding six months in any calendar year, as stated in the permit. A person issued a Long Stay Permit or his dependents shall not engage in employment in Belize. The permit cannot be renewed.

If you fail to renew your visitor’s permit you are in violation of the law and can be deported. If you have a good explanation and are on friendly terms with the immigration department you will be let off with a lecture. Being in the country with an expired visa or visitor permit can make you a target of corrupt officials, disgruntled workers or jealous neighbors – not at all recommended.

expats in ruta maya canoe race
Expats competing in the annual La Ruta Maya canoe race.

Nationals of the Caribbean Community – CARICOM – Canada, Mexico, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Venezuela, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Colombia, Japan, Brazil, The Russian Federation, Israel, Republic of China on Taiwan, Guatemala and the U.S.A. can obtain a visitor permit without having to apply in advance for a tourist visa. U.S. Permanent Residents can enter Belize without a visa as of November 2014. As of 2017, citizens of any country with a U.S.A. multiple entry visa, can enter Belize without a Belize visa. Citizens of other countries need to apply in advance for a tourist visa. Download Belize Visa Application Form (PDF File). More information on our Belize Entry Requirements page. Once you have your visitor permit (this is often merely a stamp in your passport that states the date that you are allowed to be in country), you can go wherever you want in Belize. You can buy or rent property, move around the country without hindrance, but you are not allowed to work. The immigration laws require that when you renew your visitor permit, you need to show proof of sufficient funds to stay in Belize. This is normally U.S. $60 a day.

Qualified Retired Persons (QRP) Program

retiree family belize
Retiree family on the way home after shopping on Ambergris Caye.

The Qualified Retirement Program (QRP) is a Permanent Tourist status created to facilitate eligible persons who have met the income requirements, to permanently live and retire in Belize. The Retired Persons Incentive Act passed by the Belize House of Representatives in 1999 and is operated by the Belize Tourism Board. The QRP program is aimed at attracting retirees to Belize. In the first few years of the program it attracted considerable interest and several applications. Many of these are Americans and Canadians retiring in Belize. You must be at least 45 years old (soon only 40 years – see below), and be able to show that you have adequate resources to deposit a monthly income of $2,000 or more per month in a local bank, and comply with several other requirements. To keep your QRP status you must spend a minimum of 30 days every year in Belize.

For the prospective retiree that can show proof of the required monthly income the QRP program offers approved residency and tax-free entry of the retiree’s household goods and motor vehicle. Other items that can be imported duty free include marine vessels and small aircraft. The main attraction of the QRP is that it is well-suited for retirees and expats who may want to import high-value items to Belize – this is one angle that makes the QRP  attractive as excessive import duties are a real fact of life in Belize.

On 3 February 2023 government announced during a sitting of the House of Representatives that it was making amendments to the law governing the Retired Persons Incentives Act program with a view to making it more attractive for prospective retirees looking at Belize. Minister of Tourism Anthony Mahler revealed that as of 2022 Belize had 311 QRPs in the program, along with 300 of their dependents. He said that Belize would like to emulate other countries such as Costa Rica that has 70,000 retirees living there. More attention, resources and administrative changes would soon be made to the program to make it more attractive.

He also unveiled a proposed new status under the program effectively offering tax-free Belize residency via investment. Under this proposed program a person that invests 1 million dollars and employs 5 citizens of Belize would be able to reside in Belize. “Investment QRPs. We want to expand it to allow for them to invest in Belize. They cannot work but can do business,” stated the minister. To be considered for investment QRP status, applicants would need to submit a business plan and proof of investment capital of at least 1 million dollars.

The amendments to the law include adjusting the definition of retirement income in the process to include social security benefits, home equity, inheritance, reverse mortgages, personal savings, retirement contribution plans, or any other means of retirement income. The retirement age qualification is being reduced from age 45 to 40.

“Statistics on early retirement suggest that 25% of Gen Z respondents plan to retire before the age of 55 according to a recent Goldman Sachs survey. This target group is setting aside 50 to 75 percent of their income savings and investments so that they can retire early. These are the persons looking at international destinations in warm tropical countries like Belize. We see great demand for Belize and therefore see the need to expand the benefits so that the program can grow beyond the moderate level of success that we currently have.” – Tourism Minister Belize House of Representatives statement 3 February 2023.

The Belize QRP is now approaching the level of the better retiree programs offered in other countries such as Panama, Mexico and Costa Rica. See Retiring To Belize – Our Story (will open in new tab) by Ray Auxillou and his wife Sylvia Pinzon De Auxillou where they recount why they decided on Belize after researching other countries in Central America. Qualifying Countries include: All British Commonwealth countries excluding Belize, United States of America, Member States of the European Union, Asian-Pacific countries of Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. All South American Countries.

Permanent Residency

country fair western Belize
Country fair in western Belize attracts locals and expats for a weekend of family recreation.

Applications for Belize Permanent Residence are made to the Immigration Department in the City Of Belmopan after you have resided continuously in Belize for one year. You may not leave the country for a period of 14 consecutive days during this time or your application may be rejected.

Requirements: Have been legally residing in Belize for a minimum of 1 year at the time of submitting your application. During this year you have not left the country for more than 14 days in total. You must prove to the Immigration Office that you have been and you will be able to continue being financially stable. You have not been convicted by a competent court in any country of a criminal offence for which you may have been liable to a sentence of imprisonment of twelve months or more and have not received a free pardon in respect of the offence.

You need to fill out the required Permanent Residency Application form, take an HIV test, submit a recent police certificate of no criminal convictions, and provide two recommendations from individuals who have known you for at least one year. These individuals are ministers of religion, registered medical practitioners, attorneys at law, Head of a Government Department or Justice of the Peace.

There are several expediters – usually attorneys-at-law, retired immigration officers, Justices Of The Peace and other functionaries that can assist and guide you through this process. We suggest that you hire an expediter to navigate the Belizean immigration maze. Ask for references as there are any number of scammers and crooked lawyers eager to get their hands on your money. Consider service providers listed in our Belize Attorneys At Law page.

The applicant for permanent residency needs to appear in person to submit his or her application. Once your permanent residency has been approved you can seek employment or work for yourself just like any Belizean – there is no need for a work permit. You can move freely within the country, open a bank account in Belize and travel in and out of Belize without any restrictions. Best of all, the clock starts running and after five years you can apply for full citizenship.

Application fees for Permanent Residency vary by nationality, ranging from U.S. $250 to $5,000. For U.S. nationals, the fee is US $1,000 per person. For information and application form, contact: Immigration and Nationality Department, City of Belmopan, Belize, Central America; Tel.: 501-222-4620; fax: 501-222-4056. Time for approval of a permanent residency application varies. Some find that the process goes fairly quickly, taking only a few months. Others say it takes up to a year, or longer, for approval. See below for the official schedule of Belize Immigration Fees.

Click Here To View Or Download Current Belize Immigration Fees.

Next: Belize Residency, Citizenship – Pros and Cons and Insider Tips

Article by M.A. Romero, Chief Information Officer (RET) to the Government of Belize.