About Ben Dickson

Ben Dickson is the founder and editor of TechTalks.

He’s a software engineer with years’ long experience writing programs in C/C++ and .Net technologies (and most everything in between), and domains ranging from low-level hardware and graphics programming to web programming and in-app scripting.

He’s also a very active tech blogger. In addition to TechTalks, you can find his writings in TechCrunch, The Next Web, VentureBeat, PC MagHuffington Post, SitePointVice Motherboard, and Cointelegraph among others.

Ben is also an advisor to several tech companies, from stealth and early-stage startups to established companies. He helps tech companies develop content strategies and write articles/papers that fit their product, business model, and growth strategy.

Ben is interested in new tech trends, but he also likes to separate illusion from facts and help readers better understand and navigate the technologies that are changing our lives.

Contact Ben Dickson

You can get in touch with Ben on  Facebook,  Twitter, LinkedIn, or Keybase. Alternatively, you can fill out the following form to send him a note (If you’re interested in writing for TechTalks, send us your pitch here.):