Path Forward Community Fund

About the Fund  

The objective of the Path Forward Community Funds is to increase community safety planning and capacity building to ensure the self-determination of Indigenous communities in addressing Indigenous-specific systemic causes of gender-based violence. Organizations may submit more than one application provided the intended outcomes of the projects are different.
The Path Forward funds eligible activities include:  
  • Building capacity;
  • Hosting engagement and facilitation;
  • Support the development of crisis response plans;
  • Materials for communication plans;
  • Information sharing and tools to navigate the justice and public safety systems;
  • Culturally appropriate safety training; and
  • Cultural support and healing.
Applicant Eligibility Requirements
This funding is open to any of the following Indigenous agencies and communities in B.C.:
  • Applicant(s) identified as Indigenous organization(s);
  • Applicant(s) identified as a First Nations, Bands, and/or Tribal Councils, Treaty First Nation Governments;
  • Métis Chartered Communities;
  • Métis organizations or services providers; and
  • Urban / off-reserve Indigenous organization/communities(s).
The distribution of medium-sized grants will be guided by diverse Indigenous people(s) who will serve on the adjudication committee that reflect the various regions, on-and off-reserve, disabled community members, 2SLGBTQQIA+ communities, and Elders and youth, First Nations, Inuit, Métis, and non-status communities. The Path Forward Community Fund will be accessible to First Nations communities, urban / off-reserve communities, Métis and 2SLGBTQQIA+ communities.


The 2023 Path Forward Community Fund application window is now closed. Applicants will be notified in mid-October.
Applications Reviewed: September–October, 2023
Applicants Notified: Mid-October, 2023
Funds Received: Late-October/November, 2023

More Information

Information Session Slides [ PDF ]
BCAAFC is consulting with the Path Forward Community Fund Adjudication Committee on how to improve the Path Forward Community application and application process.
Please check back in September for information about how to apply.
Please send your questions and correspondence to:
Emilie Luhowy
Path Forward Assistant
Phone: 250-940-4893


Eligible uses for Path Forward funds include:
– Building capacity
– Hosting engagement and facilitation
– Support to develop crisis response plans
– Materials for communication plans
– Information sharing and tools to navigate the justice and public safety systems
– Culturally appropriate safety training
– Healing and Cultural Support
Applicant Eligibility Requirements
The Path Forward Community Fund is open to any of the following Indigenous agencies
and communities in British Columbia only.
– ‰Applicant(s) identified as Indigenous person(s) and/or organization(s)
‰- Applicant(s) identified as a First Nations, Bands, and/or Tribal Councils
– Treaty First Nation Governments
– Métis Chartered Communities
– Métis organizations or services providers
– Urban/off-reserve Indigenous organization/Communities(s)

Adjudication Committee

We are looking for strong-willed, forward-thinking, reliable, and justice-driven Indigenous individuals to help BCAAFC support this Gender-Based Violence Prevention initiative!
The majority of the Path Forward Adjudication Committee will be comprised of Indigenous people(s) reflecting different Indigenous and anti-violence organizations. This will help ensure the Indigenous Path Forward Project is developed by and for Indigenous people(s).
Committee members will reflect and represent all femme-identifying and gender-diverse persons, persons with a disability, and urban and rural regions throughout the province.
The Adjudication Committee meetings will be virtual (approximately 2-3 meetings) and will potentially include an in-person gathering for our final adjudication.
The Adjudication Committee will be asked to:
  • Participate in the adjudication process to select successful candidates using a consensus model;
  • Provide cultural and social perspectives on Indigenous anti-violence for the project;
  • Ensure that decisions and recommendations respect and consider different Nations, Communities, and distinctions (First Nation, Métis, Inuit) within BC and Nationally; and,
  • Provide regular and specific feedback to the BCAAFC Path Forward Community Fund team and committee when requested.
Indigenous Path Forward Adjudication Committee Members will receive an honorarium for their participation and expertise. Additionally, all expenses to attend in-person meeting(s) including travel, accommodation, and meals will be provided.
Guidelines for applying to adjudication committee:
  • Must be in BC
  • Indigenous applicants only (First Nations, Inuit, Métis, Self-Identifying)

Applications are now closed

Project Reporting

All recipients of A Path Forward Funding will be required to complete a mid-point and final project report. The purpose of the report is to learn about your project, hear about what the successes and challenges were, understand the impact your project had, and ensure that we have a good record of the work that took place so that we can continue to advocate for more Indigenous-led initiatives like this in the future.
Grantees will be contacted by the Project Coordinator with an invitation to participate in a survey to assist with this reporting. Grantees are also welcome and encouraged to reach out throughout the project to let us know how your project is going!
Round 2 Projects Closed: September 30, 2023 (Applied in 2022)
Round 3 Projects Closed: September 30, 2024 (Applied in 2023)

Funded Projects

Path Forward Round 1

Aboriginal Coalition to End Homelessness
Carrier Sekani Family Services
Hulitan Family and Community Services
Lake Babine Nation
Land Back Healing Society
Malahat Nation
Lii Michif Family Support Services
Nawican Friendship Centre
North Cariboo Metis Association
Okanagan Nation Alliance
Squamish Nation
Stolo Services Agency
Tears to Hope Society
The Dze L K’ant Friendship Center Society
Tlatzten Nation
Vancouver Aboriginal Health Society
Waceya Metis Society
Wachiay Friendship Centre

Path Forward Round 2

Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nation Gilford
Dudes Club
Fraser Regional Aboriginal Friendship Centre Association
Indigenous Women Rise Society
Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre
Kermode Friendship Society
Lillooet Friendship Centre
North Okanagan Friendship Centre
Pa’LaTWit Society of the Lower Lillooet Lake
Sacred Wolf Friendship Centre
Support Network for Indigenous Women and Women of Colour
Xaxli’p Nation

Path Forward Round 3

Protect our Indigenous Sisters
Tears to Hope Foundation
Victoria Native Friendship Centre
Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre
Lower Fraser Valley Aboriginal Society
Metis Nation Greater Victoria
Penticton Indian Band
Fraser Region Aboriginal Friendship Centre
Fraser Valley Metis Association
High Bar First Nation
Indian Residential School Survivors Society
North Island Metis Association
Prince George Native Friendship Centre
Skidegate Band Council
Tahltan Government
Wachiay Friendship Centre
Kermode Friendship Centre
Tillicum Lelum Aboriginal Friendship Centre