Climate Pollution Reduction Grant RFP Questions and Answers

Here’s a list of questions and answers that the Environmental Program Manager has fielded from interested contractors. For any further questions or concerns, please contact CaSandera Johnson, Environmental Program Manager at (907) 842-5257 ext. 6248 or (907) 842-6248, or by email:

Question: Can a contractor from out of the State of Alaska put in a proposal for the RFP?

Answer: Yes, a contractor from out of state can apply for the RFP.  To note, in the RFP there is a section on the evaluation criteria where there are 10 points for specialized experience on contractors working with rural Alaska and rural Alaska energy.

Question: There are different dates listed in the RFP concerning the ending date of the project. One section in the Task/Deliverables it says September 30, 2025, and the Evaluation Process 2. Proposal b. Timeline the date says August 30, 2024. Which date should be used for contractor timeline, August 30, 2024, or the September 30, 2025?

Answer: Please use the September 30th, 2025 date for developing timelines.

Question: Is the contractor going to have to create two Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs) or just one for the Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) and Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP)?

Answer: One QAPP will cover both the plans.

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