
Both are cave roosting species; specializes in hot caves

Jamaican flower bat

Diet: Nectarivorous; feeds on nectar

Jamaican Greater funnel-eared bat

Diet: Insectivorous; eats insects

Protect two critically endangered bats in Jamaica

Common Name
Jamaican Flower Bat & Jamaican Funnel-eared Bat
Scientific Name
Phylonycteris Aphylla & Natalus Jamaicensis
Critically Endangered

Project Details

Due to habitat degradation and disturbance, two Critically Endangered bat species, the Jamaican flower bat (Phyllonycteris aphylla) and the Jamaican greater funnel-eared bat (Natalus jamaicensis), are each restricted to a single remaining cave roost. Working with the Jamaican government, we will establish enforceable conservation action plans for bats of concern and protect the last known roosts across the island. Capacity building is essential to the success of this project. To support that effort, we will provide technical expertise and training to identify critical habitats for threatened bats and habitat protection, and develop restoration plans enforceable under current legislation.

On May 20, 2022, Bat Conservation International announced the protection of the Stony Hill Cave and the land surrounding it, permanently protecting this critical habitat. The cave is home to the last known maternity roost for the Critically Endangered Jamaican flower bat. With almost half of the 21 species of bats found in Jamaica using caves, protecting vulnerable sites like Stony Hill Cave is critical for species survival. Stony Hill Cave is especially vulnerable as this “hot cave” is sensitive to any changes as they can quickly alter the internal temperatures (up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit) that the bats rely upon. Up to five species of bats are known to use different parts of the cave to reproduce and raise their young.

Jason Corbett performs a LiDAR scan
Dr. Winifred Frick


  • Assess and monitor populations at the last known roost sites for the Jamaican Flower Bat and Jamaican Funnel-eared Bat.
  • Identify the primary threats to roosting and foraging habitats for both species
Close up of the Jamaican Flower Bat
Angelo Soto-Centeno

Habitat Management

  • Design effective cave management plans in collaboration with Jamaica’s National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA), including land acquisition where necessary
  • Implement procedures for protecting and monitoring these sites to eliminate direct threats of roost disturbance and mortality at roosts
  • Create a plan for the entire island to encourage long-term habitat protection for bats
Processing bats and entering data sheets
Jon Flanders

Local Involvement

  • Work with Jamaican collaborators to monitor cave roosts and help identify other critically important sites across the island
  • Train local partners in survey techniques (e.g. acoustic surveying) to build in-country capacity for bat conservation