Budget & Finance

Budgets are set annually by council. The operating budget, funded by property tax, user fees and development cost charges, includes all revenue and expenditures for the Town. The capital budget, which is funded by various reserves, outlines the planned infrastructure improvements or capital projects for the next 10 years.

Operating Budget

The operating budget covers the costs of running our community, including:

  • Snow clearing and street sweeping
  • Emergency services
  • Recreation programs
  • Library services
  • Residential garbage and recycling pick up
2024 Operating Budget (PDF)

Previous Budgets

Capital Budget
The capital budget covers spending on infrastructure projects, such as:
  • Improvements to and reconstruction of municipal roads, sidewalks and trails
  • Replacement or upgrades of municipal streetlights
  • Improvements to public facilities or construction of new facilities
  • Upgrades to the drinking water system, sewer system or storm water system
  • Replacement of municipal fleet