Banff Community Plan

Banff Community Plan in 2023

The Town is seeking input from residents to update the 10-year plan, building on direction from the new Government of Canada the Banff National Park Management Plan. Banff Town Council appointed a Steering Committee to guide the process to update the Community Plan. 

Our Vision for the Future

The Banff Community Plan was developed by Banff residents. It sets the values that guide our decision-making and tells us how we will meet the challenges of the future.

Town council adopted the Community Plan in 2008.

The Community Plan is our most important tool for long-range planning. It guides our strategic priority setting and financial planning. The plan focuses on three areas:

  • A sense of place - our environmental goals
  • Fostering a healthy community - our social and cultural goals
  • Local economy - our economic goals

Every year, Town Council sets strategic priorities aimed at achieving the objectives of the Banff Community Plan.


Town of Banff Commercial Capacity Study (PDF) - The Effects of Commercial Build-out on the Town of Banff
