Banff Housing Corporation

The Banff Housing Corporation (BHC) is an arm’s length, non-profit organization of the Town of Banff. Our mission is to help maintain a healthy and balanced community by offering rental units as well as price restricted and equity share home ownership. The BHC’s focus is to manage the current properties within its portfolio.

Buying a BHC Home

In order to buy a BHC home, you must first be on the Registered Resale List. The list awards points to potential buyers and those with the most points are contacted first when a property becomes available. A non-refundable administrative fee of $50 must be paid when submitting your application. 

Banff Housing Corporation Home

About the BHC

More Information About Housing in Banff

BHC Vision:

To provide a range of affordable housing options that ensure Banff residents can find a place to call home.

BHC Mission:

Banff Housing Corporation provides and manages a diverse range of quality rental units and equity-restricted & price-restricted homes for residents and retirees of Banff National Park