The Heart of the Primaries

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Heart of the Primaries

The Heart of the Primaries is a free weekly e-newsletter published seasonally by Ballotpedia.

First launched in January 2018, Heart of the Primaries takes readers to the front lines of primary battles to witness intraparty conflict as Democrats and Republicans compete to make it onto the general election ballot. We cover key congressional, legislative, and executive races from state to state. We returned to cover the 2022 election landscape and primary season.

In 2022, the Heart of the Primaries delivered details on policy differences between candidates, which donor groups are behind which candidates (and why!), moves by political operatives, polling, and more. Two versions were published each week: one for Democratic primaries and one for Republican primaries.

The Heart of the Primaries has been enjoyed by motivated voters, activists, donors, pundits, consultants, national committee members, and state and county party chairs all over the country.

To read all previous editions, please see our archive. Below are the six most recent editions: