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Bowie House

Hotel Information - Bowie House

Resort Information

  • Where is the hotel located?
    3700 Camp Bowie Boulevard, Fort Worth, TX 76107
  • What is the hotel phone number and email?
    Phone: 855.683.4092
  • Can I text the hotel?
  • What time is checkin and checkout at the hotel?
    Checkin is available as soon as your room is ready. If guests provide an ETA we will do our best to ensure the room is ready by then. Most of our guests typically check out around midday.
  • Is there a late check-out fee?
  • Total rooms
  • Total suites and residences
  • Total meeting rooms
  • Smoking
    Bowie House is a non-smoking property, indoor and outdoor. We kindly ask you to leave the property to smoke, should you need to.
  • Parking
    Bowie House is valet parking only.
  • Cancellation policy
    72 hours
  • Can I dine anywhere in the resort?
    We have various dining options in the hotel.
  • Does your property charge a Resort Fee?


  • Can the hotel pick me up?
    The hotel can provide pricing details on transportation services.
  • How far is the hotel from the airport?
    35 minutes | 28 miles
  • Does your resort offer a shuttle service?
  • What are the various costs for a limo/taxi/town car etc.?
    The hotel can provide pricing details on transportation services


  • What currency is accepted?
    Currency accepted is the US Dollar.
  • What are the accepted payment options?
    We accept cash and all major credit cards.
  • What is the deposit policy?
    $200 per day.
  • Is there a cost for additional guests in room?
    A maximum of two guests are allowed per King room; four guests are allowed for Double Queen rooms.

Pet Policies

  • What is the pet fee?
    The pet fee is $150 per room.
  • Number of pets allowed?
    Two per room are allowed.
  • Special pet amenities and services?
    Special pet amenities and services are available through the concierge.
  • Support animals allowed?
    Yes, service animals are allowed.
  • Are there any weight or breed limits?
    Pets weighing up to 70 pounds are allowed.
  • What is provided with the pet fee?
    Additional room cleaning.
  • Are pets allowed everywhere on property?
    Pets are allowed in your room and public spaces on a leash. Pets are not permitted in the pool area, spa or any restaurants.

Housekeeping and Laundry Services

  • Do you have laundry and dry cleaning facilities?
    Yes, we offer those services via a third party.
  • How do I get my clothes pressed?
    For pressing services, fill out the in-room form and follow the instructions provided.
  • Do you have a lost and found?
    Yes, Bowie House does have a lost and found.
  • What does your turndown service entail?
    Turndown service includes room preparation for nighttime, with signature amenities.
  • How frequent is housekeeping?
    Housekeeping is performed once daily or upon request.
  • Is there a cost for laundry?
  • Laundry pick up time and time to finish?
    If the laundry is turned in by 7AM, it will be returned the same day.


  • Do you have babysitting/child care available?
    Yes, our concierge can provide some options via a third party.
  • Do you have a children’s menu?
    Yes, a children’s menu is available.
  • Do you have cribs?
    Yes, cribs are available upon request.
  • Do you have highchairs?
    Yes, highchairs are available upon request.
  • Do you provide custom itineraries?
    Yes, our concierge can provide a custom itinerary full of family activities catered to your interests.
  • Do you have a minimum age requirement for guests?
    All minors should be accompanied by an adult.

Spa and Recreational Amenities

  • Pool availability
    The pool is available from sunrise to sunset.
  • Is there a spa onsite?
    Yes, a full service spa is onsite.
  • Is there a fitness center onsite?
    Yes, a fitness center is onsite and open 24 hours a day.
  • Tennis information
    Our concierge team can provide options.
  • Golf information
    Our concierge team can provide options.
  • Other wellness
    Seasonal programming is available throughout the year at Bowie House.
  • Spa hours
    The spa is open from 9AM until 8PM.
  • Age requirement
    You must be 18 years of age or older to go to the spa.
  • Day guests
    Day guests are welcome to enjoy all the spa has to offer via the purchase of a spa package.
  • Fitness classes
    Yes, fitness classes are available.
  • Private training
    Our concierge desk can arrange private training options.
  • Cancellation policy
    There is a 24-hour cancellation policy at our spa. If you cancel within the 24 hours you will be charged for the treatment.

Spa Fees

  • Does your property charge any wellness/spa fees?
    Yes, there is a 22% service charge on all spa services.
  • How is the fee distributed?
    The spa service charge is distributed 100% to, and divided among, spa team members. Any additional gratuity provided is distributed 100% to your practitioner.

Food and Beverage

  • Bar hours
    The bar is open from 7AM until midnight.
  • In-room dining hours
    In-room dining is available 24 hours a day.
  • Corkage fee