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AgileBits 1Password

AgileBits 1Password syncs passwords and personal data across all your devices. It's not quite as automated as many competitors, but it's still a slick, easy-to-use utility.

AgileBits 1Password syncs passwords and personal data across all your devices. It's not quite as automated as many competitors, but it's still a slick, easy-to-use utility.

Main Window

With this version, AgileBits 1Password's main window got a redesign. The biggest change is that Categories, Tags, and Security used to be three tabs in the narrow sidebar at left. Now the sidebar is one long scrolling column, and the three items are collapsible lists, with Security renamed to Watchtower.

1Password Mini

By pressing Ctrl+Alt+\, you can bring up 1Password Mini, a tiny version of the app. From here you can launch and log into websites, copy usernames and passwords to the clipboard, and more.

Save Credentials

By pressing Ctrl+Alt+\, you can bring up 1Password Mini, a tiny version of the app. From here you can launch and log into websites, copy usernames and passwords to the clipboard, and more.

Login List

Clicking the browser toolbar button brings up a list of your saved logins. You can scroll to select or type in the search box to search on item names and tags. Clicking an item both launches the site and logs you in.

Password Generator

By default, 1Password's password generator creates 24-character password using letters and digits. We suggest you enable use of symbols, and of ambiguous characters.

Form Fill Identity

You can define multiple identities for filling web forms. Some fields, such as name, address, and phone number, are required. Clicking the red icon next to a non-required field removes it from the identity.

Vulnerable Password

New in this edition, 1Password expands its check for compromised passwords by using the haveibeenpwned.com. In this case, the password is "password," which is definitely a poor choice.

Inactive Two Factor

Also new in this edition, 1Password consults the twofactorauth.org website to flag sites where two-factor authentication is available but not enabled for your account.

1Password on iOS

This montage shows 1Password running on iOS. Most of the desktop features are present. Note the one-time password in the right-hand pane. With 1Password, you don't need a separate app to generate time-based passwords.

1Password X

When you install the 1Password X extension in Chrome, you can use it on any platform that supports Chrome. The 1Password X experience is more like other password managers, without the desktop edition's need for a special key combination to replay passwords.