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Take control of your personal data online, with or without paying

4.5 Excellent
Optery - Optery (Credit: Optery)
4.5 Excellent

Bottom Line

Optery scrubs your personal information from data broker sites or gives you tools to clean it up yourself for free. Uniquely detailed reporting confirms your info was removed.
  • Pros

    • Finds and removes personal data from hundreds of brokers
    • Free tier offers detailed DIY data removal steps
    • Links directly to found personal data
    • Provides detailed verification of removals
    • Top tier offers custom removals
  • Cons

    • Direct link to found data not available for every broker site

Optery Specs

200+ Removals Automated
Custom Removal Requests
DIY Removal Instructions
Family Data Removal
Free Version Available
Multi-Factor Authentication
Protection Type Data Broker Opt-Out

Your real-world and online activities leave traces, and data aggregator websites hoover up these traces, transforming them into personal profiles that they can package and sell. That’s how the advertisers know what you eat, where you go, and so on. You can tell them to erase your data, and legally they must comply, but there are so many of them! Services like Optery handle the task of finding your data online, getting it removed, and verifying the cleanup. Optery handles more brokers than many other personal data removal services, gives you more detail about found profiles than the competition, and even makes a free version available with practical DIY opt-out instructions. That makes it an Editors' Choice-winning privacy tool for clearing your personal information from data broker collections.

How Much Does Optery Cost?

In a sense, Optery costs what you’re willing to pay. At the Basic protection level, for no payment whatever and no requirement to enter a credit card, it will search 100+ sites for your data, show you precisely what it found, and explain how to get that data removed. And it will repeat that search every 90 days, to make sure your data stays gone.

Shell out $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year for Core protection and you get help—Optery automates removal from the 100+ biggest people search sites, with visibility and DIY removal instructions for the remainder of the full list of 240+ sites. The Extended subscription costs $14.99 per month or $149 per year. It raises the number of sites for automated removal from 100+ to 150+. Naturally, it still gives you visibility into all 240+ sites that Optery tracks, so you can manually remove data from any not covered automatically.

The only difference between Core and Extended is the number of sites for automated removal. At the Ultimate level, you get a bit more. And you should get more, given that it costs $24.99 per month or $249 per year. At this level, Optery handles all the removal requests. You also get custom removal requests, meaning you can ask Optery’s agents to remove you from sites it doesn’t normally cover, and they’ll make their “best effort” to do so. According to the Optery website, Ultimate is the most popular edition.

What Do Competing Products Cost?

Until I encountered Optery’s Ultimate edition, Privacy Bee was the most expensive data-removal product I knew, at $197 per year. It does offer a free edition that reports on brokers that have your data, along with instructions for manual removal. Getting that data removed automatically requires payment, naturally. Privacy Bee offers a variety of other privacy-related services including notifying thousands of merchants about your privacy preferences.

A month of IDX Complete costs $32.90, with a yearly price of $355.32, a new high-price leader. If you want family coverage (two adults and up to five minor dependents) the price zooms to $701.88. IDX Complete does quite a bit more than remove your info from data brokers, though. This suite also includes Dark Web monitoring, identity theft remediation, a full-fledged virtual private network, (VPN), and more.

Abine’s DeleteMe was among the first services to help users escape the clutches of online data brokers. Like Privacy Bee, it relies on human agents to keep the removals going smoothly and handle any tasks that can’t be automated. You pay $129 per year for that service or $229 for you and your partner.

Optery’s family plan requires a subscription for each family member, with discounts from 20% to 30% depending on the number of paying accounts. As the organizer, you’re in charge of payments and account tiers, but you don’t see the reports or personal data for family members. One Privacy Bee user can also manage accounts for multiple family members, but each account costs the full $197.

Kanary charges $105 per year to clear your data from various aggregator sites; you can go month-to-month for $12 per month. Family protection is a bargain with Kanary, $150 per year to protect you and two family members. Kanary, too, makes a free scan available.

Almost all these services work by finding your personal data online, having it removed, and confirming its absence. Surfshark's Incogni works a bit differently. For people search sites it does seek your specific profile, but for higher-level aggregators, it sends official removal requests to those that might have your data, and it accepts their responses as proof that they removed the data, or never had it. By the month, Incogni costs $7.99, but you can cut that in half to $77.88 by paying for a whole year at once.

Optery and Privacy Bee both have a free edition that confers useful benefits. Optery’s least expensive paid tier costs about half Privacy Bee’s price, its middle tier is still below that price, and its most expensive tier goes for more than Privacy Bee. These two are the big guns in the personal data removal field.

Getting Started With Free Optery Basic

As noted, anybody can sign up for Optery at no charge, and with no requirement to enter credit card details. It’s just plain free, at the lowest service level. You start by entering your first and last name, email address, and password.

Optery also requires your city and state of residence as well as your birth year. The entry page notes that without at least this much detail Optery can’t distinguish you from others with a similar name. Your full birthdate and middle name aren’t required, but entering those is recommended.

(Credit: Optery)

New since my last review, a welcome page explains just how your Optery plan works and offers advice on what to do next. After that, you go straight to the online console.

A menu down the left side of the console gives you access to eight feature-specific pages: Dashboard, Manage Profile, Manage Family, Account, Plans, Reports, Removals Issues, and Custom Removals. Some of these, like the ones relating to removals, aren’t relevant for a free account. The most important to start is the dashboard page.

The dashboard’s summary at the top doesn’t have a lot of information for free users. Data Brokers Covered isn’t going to change from 0, nor is the number of Total Data Brokers. Optery won’t remove data for you at this tier. Optery waits half an hour before launching its exposure scan, so you have time to enter additional profile information such as physical addresses and additional email accounts and phone numbers.

(Credit: Optery)

Once the initial scan finishes you see a pie chart with two segments. One is the number of brokers that have profiled you. The other is the number of brokers that either haven’t profiled you or haven’t been searched yet. You don’t have to take Optery’s word that it found your information, though. Just scroll down a bit and you’ll find a screenshot for each found profile.

Scroll a bit further and you’ll come to a big list of all the brokers that Optery tracks, with columns of information about each. The first column indicates which plan is the minimum for automatically clearing personal data from the site. The second, Exposure Risk, is only relevant to paid plans. What’s more important to free users is the Link to Profile column.

(Credit: Optery)

Ignore items that show the status Upgrade to view; Optery doesn’t check those for Basic users. The interesting ones have the word View, with a picture of a link. Pro tip: Click the label at the top of this column to sort all those with a View link into a group. Clicking a View link takes you to the broker, where you can look around to see if your info is present. Optery builds in a warning, pointing out that you’re leaving the Optery site and entering that of a data broker. The warning notes that you should never give personal information to the broker, and never give any money.

Initially, I thought this link was supposed to go straight to my profile on each broker, but that proved incorrect. Some did, but others displayed 404 errors or simply redirected to a search page. One link brought up a page with dozens of names including my brother and several cousins, but not me. Another associated my name with three addresses in Colorado, all unfamiliar.

(Credit: Optery)

My Optery contact explained that results at this stage come from a patented system that builds your personal parameters into a URL that would likely point to your profile, if one existed. He also pointed out that the page you see just before going to the link says you might find your data there, and includes a Learn Why link that explains the process.

How Does Data Removal With a Free Optery Account Work?

Optery’s real strength becomes apparent when it finishes its initial exposure assessment and supplies you with an Exposure Report. In my case, the dashboard showed 21 profiles found. According to my Optery contact, that’s very low. The typical new user turns up 95 or more profiles. But the low count is no real surprise, as I’ve tested several other products promising to clear my personal data from brokers. Clearly, some of them worked!

Optery sends an email when the report is ready. You can click a link in the email, or just select Reports from the online console’s left-side menu. Open the report and prepare to be amazed. Optery doesn’t just search on the personal information you supplied. It uses data found in data broker profiles to recursively expand its reach. For example, in my latest testing, I only gave it my current phone number, but it found records associated with an old number that I used for some 25 years.

Unlike any other product I’ve seen, Optery doesn’t just state that your data was found, like IDX Complete. It also doesn’t simply list the found data items, like DeleteMe. Rather, the report presents you with a screenshot of your actual profile data on the site.

(Credit: Optery)

That’s not all. In many cases, clicking that screenshot takes you to the corresponding profile page at the data broker. Optery hasn’t managed that magic for all the tracked sites, but when it works it’s amazing. In my case, about 40% of the links just went to a generic search page, while the rest found valid information. More than half of the latter group required payment for more than the most basic data, but what they did show was enough to verify the profile.

Now comes the painful part for those who are not paying customers. For each broker that has your data, you must switch from the report back to the main Optery list, open the corresponding item, and use the supplied opt-out email or opt-out URL to request the removal of your data. After you’ve done that, set a reminder in your calendar to open the report every few weeks until all the brokers have complied. If you have more time than money, this is an economical way to protect your privacy. Optery does advise using a disposable email address (DEA) for your opt-out communications. Otherwise, you may just be giving the broker new info about you. Bulc Club and ManyMe are full-scale DEA solutions that don’t cost anything to use.

What Are the Benefits of a Paid Optery Account?

Unless you choose the very top tier, Ultimate, you still may wind up sending and tracking some opt-out requests manually, as described above. However, even at the lowest-cost paid tier, Optery handles opting out from the most common and active brokers. It’s smart to start with a free account, to get a feel for the system. When you upgrade to a paid account, one of Optery’s Privacy Agents reviews the findings for false positives and false negatives.

As with the free account, you must wait a little while for Optery to do its work. When my account went premium, the Dashboard did change a bit. Next to the existing exposure pie chart, another pie appeared to display the progress of the removals system. And in the broker list, all entries in the Exposure Risk column changed to say Search in Progress except for those already found under the free account. Those changed to Personal Info Found Exposed.

(Credit: Optery)

Checking the Removals in Progress tab I found nothing active, not right away. The note at the top said I could expect progress in the next 24 to 72 hours. Indeed, the next morning I found that Optery had been very busy. The Protection Progress & Status chart showed 16 removals in progress and 63 more pending. The remaining 160 either never had my information or already had it removed. The Exposure Risk column identified which status matched each broker. To narrow the list, I could choose to view only Removals in Progress or Removals Completed.

In a real-world situation, I would now put Optery on the back burner and let it do its work. After 90 days it would present me with the crown jewel of the service—the Removals Report. The Exposure Report shows screenshots from sites that have your data, with links to let you see that data right on the site. With the Removals report, you see what was found along with a new screenshot demonstrating that the data was removed, and a link to verify the removal. No other personal data removal service I’ve seen gives you this level of verification.

(Credit: Optery)

I wasn’t prepared to put this review aside for 90 days, so I asked Optery to generate a Removals Report right away. As expected, there weren’t a lot of completed removals after just a couple days, but the report clearly showed what data was present at the initial detection and also demonstrated that data is no longer present.

Protecting Your Private Data With Optery

Anyone with access to your Optery account can see not only the personal data you entered but also data from the profiles that Optery found online. That being the case, it’s wise to add multi-factor authentication (MFA) to your account. IDX Complete and Kanary also offer MFA.

Just click on Account in the dashboard’s menu and click the big Enable Multi-Factor Authentication button. Snap the QR code with your mobile authenticator app, enter the resulting code, and you’re done. Now anyone trying to access your account will need both the password and the latest code from the authenticator app that’s in your pocket.

Custom Removals With Optery

At the Free, Core, and Extended levels, you’ll be performing at least some of your opt-out operations manually. When you go for the top tier, the Ultimate level, Optery handles everything. In addition, you gain priority tech support and the option to submit custom removal requests.

If you find your personal information on a site that’s not part of Optery’s coverage list, you can request a custom removal. Doing so requires that you submit the precise URL that points to your profile as well as a screenshot of the profile page. You can optionally include the URL of the search results page, the keywords you used, and any other related information. The Optery team will do their best to get the data removed, though they can’t promise success.

(Credit: Optery)

Optery offers a detailed explanation of custom removals, what they are and aren’t, and what results you might expect. The page points out that Optery only handles data broker and people search sites, not blogs, forums, porn sites, social media, or many other categories. It also notes that about 75% of correctly submitted removal requests end in success.

Do note that there’s a 30-day waiting period before you can use this feature. My company contact explained that they don’t want someone taking up a lot of bandwidth with custom removal requests and then taking advantage of the 30-day money-back guarantee. If you’re desperate to start on custom removals and willing to waive the 30-day return, customer support can help.

Who Handles the Most Data Brokers?

The best cleanup process in the world won’t truly help your privacy if it only applies to a limited number of data brokers. Just which brokers do the various products track? Delete Me publicly lists the brokers it tracks, but the list of more than 750 sites is somewhat misleading. The standard subscription only covers about 40 of those. Going all the way up to Platinum and VIP plans raises that to a bit over 70. All the rest of the 750 are available only as custom requests.

Optery lists all its brokers online—there are currently 245. That list also appears in the Optery app, where you can see which ones qualify for automatic removal at each subscription level. Privacy Bee also maintains an online list, which is currently at 345 sites. When last tested, IDX Complete managed 100 brokers and Incogni more than 180.

When I first tested Kanary, it didn’t handle very many brokers, but it’s now at almost 330. Admittedly, for about a third of those it just gives you opt-out instructions rather than automating the process. In the past, Privacy Bee had a similar division into automatic and DIY sites, but at present it’s fully automated.

At one point I created a spreadsheet with a massive master list of brokers crossed with the list of broker opt-out services. It provided a useful overview of brokers that appeared in lists from the most services and how much the coverage by various services overlapped. For example, the lists for Optery and Privacy Bee overlapped on 100 brokers. Two-thirds of the brokers tracked by IDX Complete overlapped with Optery, and two-thirds with Privacy Bee, but not necessarily the same two-thirds. However, maintaining this master list proved to be infeasible, not the least because it required human analysis to match up slightly different entries referring to the same broker.

In sheer numbers, Privacy Bee has the top spot with 345 sites. Kanary looks like a close second, with 330, but it only automates removals for about 210 of those. Optery is the actual second-place winner, with 245 sites. Privacy Bee is likely to retain that top spot, as the company has a policy of reviewing any site that turns up in a competitor’s list and, after verification, adding it to the Privacy Bee list.

Optery Goes Beyond Data Broker Cleanup

Optery focuses strongly on finding data brokers that hold your personal data and either removing that data for you or showing you how to opt out for yourself. In the same way, DeleteMe and Kanary solely aim to find and remove your personal data online. Incogni, too, is focused solely on removals, though for some high-level brokers, it doesn’t check for your info’s presence or absence.

Managing data brokers is just one task of many for IDX Complete. It monitors the Dark Web to make sure your personal info isn’t up for sale, and it keeps an eye out for abuse of your social media accounts. It includes a basic Virtual Private Network (VPN). And it backs its identity theft recovery services with a million-dollar guarantee.

That leaves Privacy Bee, which has the biggest list of managed brokers. Even bigger is the list of non-broker businesses whose privacy agreements this company’s human agents have analyzed. You can use it to fine-tune your trust relationships with thousands of businesses. Like Avast AntiTrack, Ghostery Privacy Suite, and Norton AntiTrack, Privacy Bee comes with a browser extension that blocks ads and other trackers. It helps its users with opting out of common spam-generating lists, credit card preapprovals, and more. It has the biggest feature set of the bunch—it’s just a question of whether you want to use its features.

Privacy Protection, Verified

Without requiring any payment, Optery finds data brokers that hold your personal information and offers seriously useful help so you can perform the opt-out process yourself. You can choose to subscribe at three different price tiers, in which case Optery automates removals for some, more, or all of the brokers it tracks. After it does the job, it provides a report that lets you see exactly what it found and verify that the info is no longer present. You could hardly ask for more from a service aimed at clearing your personal data from online data brokers.

Optery handles more brokers than almost any competitor, but Privacy Bee has an even bigger list. It, too, has a free tier. It doesn’t provide the same screenshot-based detailed verification Optery does, but it goes further to protect your privacy, with a tracker-blocking browser extension, the ability to control your privacy settings with thousands of companies, and more. Privacy Bee is definitely a good choice.

Overall, though, Optery’s handling of the core data removal task outshines the competition, and its free tier brings privacy protection to those who can’t afford expensive subscriptions. In the realm of personal data removal, Optery is our Editors’ Choice.

About Neil J. Rubenking