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Hate Email? These 4 Tips Will Change Your Mind

From AI that can summarize messages to encrypted services for maximum security, these tools will change the way you feel about email.

People hate email. It's not a new sentiment. Some of us have hated work email in particular for more than two decades. Despite the adoption of team messaging apps, chat apps, and other tools that have reduced the need for email, incoming messages at work are productivity interruptions, hardly anyone writes clearly, and the CC line holds a tangle of people who may or may not be relevant to the conversation at hand. In addition, phishing attempts make email simultaneously more annoying and risky. And heavens to Betsy if anyone mistakenly taps Reply All on a companywide message.

Many of us have been so mired in our pessimistic attitude toward email for so long that we haven't kept up with how much better email tools have become. But there have been some great advances, and while they don't fix all the problems with email, they mitigate the worst of them or at least make email easier to deal with when you're on the receiving end.

Here are some developments that may change how you feel about email.

1. Let AI Summarize Your Emails and Help With Your Replies

I'm staunchly against letting artificial intelligence (AI) write my emails. If you're comfortable writing and you can craft a good AI prompt, just cut to the chase and write a concise message yourself. That said, many people might be very happy to use a bot to help them get started. Gmail now has generative AI tools that can write a draft of a message for you based on a prompt that you give it, and so can the new Copilot AI in Microsoft 365 apps. You could send the draft as is, but you're always better off revising and editing it. The AI still does the heavy lifting on the front end, which is helpful for people who struggle with writing.

Microsoft's Copilot can also summarize emails you receive. That's an example of how AI can mitigate less-than-ideal human behavior. Sometimes people write needlessly long, meandering, and poorly formatted emails. Now, you can let AI summarize an email or thread into a few bullet points. I wouldn't rely on that technology for messages where you need to know every detail inside and out, but reading a few bullet points is much more efficient if you're CCed on a message and merely need to be aware of what's happening.

If your gripes are as much with Outlook and Gmail as with email itself, you ditch them and keep your same email address by using a third-party email client. Canary Mail connects to Gmail, iCloud, Outlook, Exchange, Microsoft 365, and Yahoo accounts. Canary has AI included that can write a response to messages you receive, and it has one-touch options to make your reply positive or negative in tone. You can also give Canary a detailed prompt if you want something different.

Two messages written by generative AI in Canary Mail, side-by-side for comparison, where the first one is positive and in agreement with the received email message and the second one disagrees

2. Replace Your Email App's Horrible Interface

Speaking of third-party email clients, if you hate the look or interface of your email account, you can use something else. The best email client apps let you keep your email account and pull all the data into a better interface. 

Your email app should get you in and out of your inbox as quickly as possible. The app should load quickly, have customizable keyboard shortcuts, and give you features that you actually like and want to use. Some of those features might be a snooze button to make messages disappear until you're ready to see them, or the ability to bundle newsletters into one group so they don't clutter your inbox view.

I mentioned Canary Mail already as an email client that PCMag recommends. Spark also scored high in our testing because it's lightning-fast for power users. Shortwave is another excellent one, especially if you remember and miss the old Google Inbox app that decluttered your inbox view with "bundles."

3. Avoid Junk Mail With a Spoofed Email Address

Junk mail, phishing attempts, and excessive marking emails are big problems in business and personal inboxes. Even very good spam filters won't catch them all. A smart way to cut down on unwanted mail is to never give out your real email address in the first place. If no one has your real email address, it can't leak or get sold to lists.

Temporary email services let you create a dummy email address you can use when you don't want to give out your true email address, such as when taking for surveys or signing up for discounts. The dummy email address delivers the mail you want to your regular email account, and any replies you send seem to come from the same dummy account. You can deactivate the address if anyone starts to abuse it.

IronVest's interface for creating a spoofed email address

Our favorite of these services, IronVest not only protects your real email address, but it also does something similar with credit card numbers. You can generate a masked credit card number that charges an amount you specify to your real credit card. When you're done, the masked number expires and can never be used again. That way if someone steals the number, it's useless.

4. Protect Your Privacy With an Encrypted Email Service

If part of your frustration with email is you don't think it's secure (there was a time when people liked to holler, "But Gmail reads your email!"), why not start fresh with a new email account from an encrypted email provider?

The best email encryption services that scored highest in PCMag's testing are PreVeil and Skiff. They both have a free tier of service, too. PreVeil is so secure it's certified by the Department of Defense, and you don't have to burn down your old email account to use it. You can connect and sync it with Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, and the default Mail apps on mobile devices. Skiff goes further, offering end-to-end encryption on not only email, but files you share, and your calendar.

Give Email a Second Chance

Email doesn't have to be the bane of your existence. It has improved in the last few years, though you have to know which tools to use to make it better. The ones listed above solve or mitigate so many of the common reasons people believe email is horrible.

For more, see our lists of Gmail alternatives and essential apps for protecting your online privacy.

About Jill Duffy