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Get Ready to Be Annoyed by Those New Credit Card Chips

Following Europe's lead, the U.S. is finally transitioning from credit cards based on magnetic strips to those based on embedded chips, known as EMV technology. Perhaps you received new credit cards with embedded chips recently and didn't know why? Well, there you go.

OpinionsAside from issuing new cards and POS (point of sale) devices, there are a new set of retail rules which should hasten this changeover. Until this past week, liability for credit card fraud was placed solely on the issuers' shoulders (don't worry, they weren't hurting), but now the liability will be shifted onto retailers who neglect to use a chip reader on a chip-enabled card.

The experience of other nations has shown that chip technology is indeed far less hackable than magnetic strips. But while EMV is unequivocally more secure than magnets (whose very nature remains mysterious to many), it is by no means airtight: Dedicated thieves have already found their way into the system. Additionally, the chips offer no security for financial data already stored inside a retailer's system, nor does it protect you at all on online purchases. But, despite falling short of complete infallibility, most security experts believe this is a smart move.

As far as consumers are concerned, the new cards function just like traditional credit cards. The only real difference is that instead of sliding them through an elongated reader, you insert them into a narrow slot and wait for them to do their thing. And therein lays an important point that should be included in the conversation: This new, better technology will most certainly add extra time to your check-out experience.

I've recently started using chip transactions, and I can confirm that the credit check-out process now takes slightly longer than it did a few weeks ago. Not a lot longer, by any means—it adds another 7 seconds or so. For most people, this additional time will struggle to rise to the threshold of being a hindrance. However, it will be interesting to see how American consumers react to this new temporal speed bump in their daily lives.

Most people have only had one experience with technology: It gets more and more efficient and gets faster and faster. This transition to EMV tech will be a rare instance in which a new (and supposedly superior) technology creates a greater barrier between them and instant-ish gratification. This transition means that you will soon be spending additional time at check-outs, making additional small talk with the cashier, and taking longer to turn your attention to the next thing you need to do.

Most people won't notice the difference. However, at locations like New York City pharmacies, which are already monuments to inefficiency and frustration, any additional lag will be magnified. That's not how we're used to things working.

And this ever-so-slight hindrance may affect consumer behavior. Quick example: One of my absolute favorite developments of the past few years has been the way credit cards and retailers have done away with the need to sign a receipt for small purchases . This removed, at most, 15 seconds from the transaction. However, that one small step towards seamlessness has made me far more willing to pay for things with my credit card. Conveninece is the key.

I'm not advocating a rejection of EMV cards. Far from it. But I think this additional time will spur another long over-due transition: Mobile payments. Americans have more options than ever to put aside their physical cards and pay for things with their phones: Apple Pay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay, not to mention those many retailer-specific payment apps. Aside from offering seamless transactions, smartphone payments are—in many instances—far more secure than using a physical credit card.

While mobile payment tech has yet to catch on with the public in a big way (at least not in the U.S.), they are the future. Even if you don't use your smartphone for payments yet, chances are you are probably already use mobile payments. If you own a car, you are likely enrolled in a regional electronic toll collection agency such as E-ZPass or FasTrak. In this case, your ride is your credit card. Could you imagine ever going back to a pay-per-pass system?

If using a physical credit card becomes that much more annoying thanks to EMV, then we are just hastening the inevitable death of physical credit cards. And that's a good thing. So, rather than being annoyed by the extra time at check-out, we should be thankful for them—they may be the thing that pushes us towards a long overdue path.

About Evan Dashevsky