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How to Use Android Pie's Digital Wellbeing App

If you think you spend too much time on your smartphone, Android Pie is here to help. A new dashboar

Are you addicted to your smartphone? Many of us can't seem to stop checking email, texting people, hopping onto Facebook, and snapping selfies, and usually at the most inappropriate times. Well, Android Pie offers a new tool that could help you kick that habit.

Known as Digital Wellbeing, the feature appears as a dashboard that shows you how much time you've spent with different apps, how often you've unlocked your phone, and how many notifications you've received. The dashboard also provides timers to limit the number of minutes you spend with an app, access to the Do Not Disturb option, and a quick way to turn off notifications for each app.

The feature is available only in Android Pie, the latest flavor of Google's mobile operating system, and for now, you can only try Digital Wellbeing on a Google Pixel phone. As Digital Wellbeing is currently in beta mode (a full release is expected in the fall), there are restrictions. But if you have access, it can be a helpful way to curb your smartphone use.

This article originally appeared on PCMag.com.

Download and Access the Service

First, you can run Digital Wellbeing on any of the Pixel models, from the original Pixel to the Pixel 2 XL, and—one would assume—the newest Pixel phones Google is set to announce on Oct. 9. If you have one of those devices, head to Google Play to download and install the Digital Wellbeing Beta on your phone.

Okay, now comes the tricky part—where and how do you actually find the Digital Wellbeing app? It doesn't appear on your home screen or your app drawer. Instead, you have to dig into your phone settings to access it. Open Settings. Swipe down the list, and the setting for Digital Wellbeing is nestled between Accessibility and Google. Tap it to open the dashboard.

If you want to access the dashboard directly from your home screen, you'll need help from another app. Head back to Google Play and download an app called Pixel Shortcuts. Open this app. In the section for Digital Wellbeing, tap on the button to Add Shortcut to Home Screen and then tap on the link to Add automatically. Return to your home screen and tap on the icon for Digital Wellbeing.

View Your Data

The Digital Wellbeing dashboard displays a circle showing how much time you've spent on your phone so far today. The circle breaks down the amount of time you've devoted to certain apps by assigning each one a different color. To drill down to see more information, tap on a specific app or color of the circle. The dashboard will show the number of minutes you have spent in that app, which can be filtered through a daily or hourly view.

While you're here, you can peek at other details. By default, this screen shows you the amount of screen time you've spent with the app. Tap on the down arrow at the top to see other options. You can view the number of notifications you've gotten from this app or see the number of times you've launched the app. You can also see the hourly results for notifications received and times opened.

View Your Total Time

You can also get an overview of the amount of time you've spent with all the apps you've opened. Tap on the time in the middle of the circle. The dashboard displays the total amount of screen time for today and previous days. Swipe down to see the screen time for each app. Tap on the link at the bottom to show all apps to see the amount of time for every app installed on your phone.

Set a Timer

Okay, you've figured out that you spend too much time with certain apps and want to wean yourself off them. What can you do? At the main dashboard screen, under the section for Ways to disconnect, tap on the entry for Dashboard X app timers set. Here, you can set a timer for each app that will alert you after you've used it for a specific number of minutes.

Tap on the arrow next to an app whose time you want to restrict. You can choose one of the pre-set durations—15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 1 hour. If you need a different duration, you can set a custom timer as well. Now, you can set a timer for anywhere from 5 minutes to 23 hours and 55 minutes.

Pause the App

After the time runs out, the app is paused with a message popping up on the screen to tell you that your timer for this app ran out and will start again tomorrow. The app itself is grayed out from your home screen and the app drawer. If you really, really still need the app, you can always turn off or reset the timer. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until tomorrow to use it again.

Turn Down Phone Activity

Back at the main dashboard, you can tap on the entry for Wind Down to give you options for turning your phone activity down at night. The first time you do this, you'll see screens to Get a good night's sleep and Allow access to Do Not Disturb. At the Do Not Disturb screen, turn on the switch for Digital Wellbeing and tap Allow.

Set Wind Down Settings

At the Wind Down screen, tap on the Start and End entries to select the start and end times for the Wind Down feature. Turn on the switch for Grayscale to remove all colors from the screen and the switch for Do Not Disturb to make sure both settings kick in at the hours you set. Tap on the Night Light entry to change the color temperature of the screen to something more conducive to bedtime. Tap on Schedule to turn on the night light at a custom time or from sunset to sunrise. You can also tap Turn on now to immediately trigger the night light. Return to the main dashboard screen.

Disable Notifications

Under Reduce interruptions, tap on the entry for Manage notifications. The App notifications screen shows you the time of your most recent notification for each app. Tap on the down arrow to switch from Most recent to most frequent notifications. Turn off the switch for any app for which you no longer wish to receive notifications. Return to the previous screen.

Activate Do Not Disturb

Tap on Do Not Disturb to fine-tune the settings for this feature. Tap on Sound & vibration to enable or disable alarms, media, and touch sounds. Tap on Notifications to choose whether to receive sounds and/or visuals from notifications when Do Not Disturb is in effect.

Restrict Calling and Texting Abilities

Tap on Calls to determine who can call you when Do Not Disturb is enabled. Tap on the entry for Allow calls to allow calls for anyone, from contacts only, from starred contacts, or from no one. Turn on the switch to allow repeat callers if the same person calls a second time within 15 minutes of the first call. Tap on Messages, events & reminders to allow any of these items to reach you during Do Not Disturb time.

Set the Duration of Do Not Disturb

Back at the previous screen, tap on Duration. Here, you can determine when Do Not Disturb turns off. Tap on Turn on automatically to customize and add rules for specific events and times when Do Not Disturb kicks in. Finally, return to the Do Not Disturb screen and tap Turn on now to immediately enable it.

About Lance Whitney