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Tor Browser

Tor Browser

Privacy, security, and anonymity while browsing

3.5 Good
Tor Browser - Tor Browser
3.5 Good

Bottom Line

Tor Browser makes it easy to surf the web anonymously, but it comes with a significant performance hit.
  • Pros

    • Easily connects to the Tor anonymizing network
    • Simple interface for complex security tools
    • Feature-rich browser
    • Integrated privacy tools
  • Cons

    • Slows down browsing
    • Finding localized websites can be difficult
    • Some privacy features may be confusing to novice users

Tor Browser Specs

Product Category Browsers
Product Price Type 0

Much has been made of the dark web, but how do you get there? The easiest way is with Tor Browser. Tor, which stands for The Onion Router, is more than just one of the best web browsers. It's a technology stack that hides your web activity by routing and obscuring it through multiple nodes, like the layers of an onion. Its use for nefarious activities is well chronicled, but it's your best option if you want real privacy online. Tor Browser is a free, open-source project that simplifies protecting your identity online. In short, it's the king of private web browsers. There's just one catch: Your browsing slows down because it goes through all those privacy hoops.

What Is the Tor Project?

If it sounds like Tor Browser comes from a sketchy group of hackers, it doesn't. The core technology was developed by the US Naval Research Lab and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, better known as DARPA. Behind Tor Browsers is the Tor Project, a nonprofit organization that receives sizable donations from federal entities, including The National Science Foundation.

The project is dedicated to "advancing human rights and freedoms by creating and deploying free and open-source anonymity and privacy technologies, supporting their unrestricted availability and use, and furthering their scientific and popular understanding." The Tor Project site has a page listing many examples of legitimate types of Tor users, such as political dissidents in countries with tight control over the internet and individuals concerned about personal privacy.

How Does Tor Work?

Tor Browser, a modified version of Mozilla Firefox, hides your location, IP address, and other identifying data from regular websites. Tor routes your internet traffic through at least three intermediary nodes, encrypting it once per jump. The first node knows the middle node's address and the traffic's source but not its contents. The middle node only knows the address of the first node and the exit node. Once your traffic reaches the aptly named exit node, it's decrypted and sent to the website you want to visit. To the website, it appears that the traffic is coming from the exit node's IP address. This is much like using a VPN, which causes traffic to appear to originate at the VPN's server. Some VPNs let you set up a similar multi-hop connection. With Tor Browser, though, there's no VPN provider to charge you a monthly fee or potentially access your browsing history.

Because of the way Tor Browser works, it's difficult for government snoops or aggressive advertisers to track you online. Using Tor ensures far more privacy than other browsers' private modes (think Chrome's Incognito mode) since it obscures your IP address rather than simply discarding your cached pages and browsing history after your browsing session. Even Firefox's enhanced private browsing mode doesn't hide your identifiable IP address from the sites you visit, but it does prevent them from tracking you based on cookies. Tor Browser also has protection against sites identifying you through fingerprinting.

Setting Up Tor Browser for Ultimate Privacy

Tor has installers available for Android, Linux, macOS, and Windows. Connecting to the Tor network entails more than just installing a browser and loading websites. You need to install support code, which sounds daunting, but the free Tor Browser bundle streamlines the process. Installers are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. You can optionally install the browser on a USB drive for more anonymity and portability; the drive needs to have 8GB of free space. You can bypass your computer's primary OS by installing it on a USB key with Tails, which includes a customized version of Linux, and boot from that.

I tested the standard Windows installer, which offers choices to create desktop icons and run the browser immediately. As I mentioned earlier, the browser itself is a heavily modified version of Firefox, and it includes several security plug-ins and security tweaks, such as not caching any website data.

Before you start browsing anonymously, you need to connect to the Tor Network. This has gotten much easier over the years. You simply tap Connect on the About Tor page, which serves as the browser's default home page, and you can even set the browser to connect automatically on startup.

An option for greater privacy is to use a Bridge, which is an initial gateway to the network that, unlike other Tor nodes, doesn't have a publicly listed address. Using a Bridge is recommended if you're in a restrictive country or don't want your internet service provider to know you're using Tor. You set up a Bridge in the Connections section of the settings. You can find a Bridge in a number of ways, but I had the best luck when trying the Built-In Bridges option. Note that using a Bridge slows down your browsing even more.

Whether or not you use a Bridge, when you tap Connect, a brief Establishing a Connection message appears while a colorful progress bar extends across the top of the browser.

After connecting to the Tor relay system, the browser launches, and you see the Tor Project's About page along with a private DuckDuckGo search box. You're now free to browse the web privately. Note that there's a good chance you'll get the version of the web for another country, as can happen with a VPN. Tor doesn't let you choose your region, though, as many VPNs do.

A Firefox-Like Interface Where Nothing Gets Saved

The browser's home page has a DuckDuckGo search box, a link to make a donation to the Tor Project, and a link to the browser's manual. If you're new to Tor, a tooltip takes you through the basics of how it works.

The browser interface is nearly identical to Firefox, except with some necessary add-ons installed. NoScript, a commonly used Firefox add-on, comes preinstalled and can be used to block most non-HTML content on the web. You get all the tab, bookmark, history, downloading, theme, extension, and password features available in Firefox. But since Tor is always in Private mode, you lose anything you've saved every time you close and reopen the program. Additionally, some of these features are turned off by default for better privacy.

Two buttons appear at the left of the address bar: The leftmost blue-and-purple button shows the circuit of nodes you're using for a site, and the lock icon to its right shows the security of the site you're visiting, as most web browsers do. When you tap on the Tor Circuit button, you see the nodes through which your traffic is hopping. Our circuit started in and passed through addresses in France and the Netherlands before reaching the internet. These locations are selected randomly, and if the circuit doesn't suit you, you can request a new one—a good option in case you want to change the exit node's locality.

In case the default privacy settings aren't strict enough for you, you can level them up in the settings. You have three options: Standard, Safer, and Safest. Each level you go up is more likely to break site features, particularly the safest level, which disables JavaScript, a technology that most modern sites require to fully function.

The Tor Project's site specifically states that using Tor alone doesn't guarantee anonymity, but rather that you have to abide by safe browsing guidelines: don't use BitTorrent, don't install additional browser add-ons, don't open documents or media while online. By default, the browser is in private browsing mode—no history or cookies are saved when you close it, search suggestions and Google Safe Browsing are turned off, and HTTPS-only mode is enabled.

While browsing with Tor Browser, the occasional Captcha pops up before you can access a site. It happens because your cloaked URL looks suspicious to website security services such as Cloudflare, used by millions of sites to protect themselves. These Captchas and the possibility of getting a site version from another country other than yours are small prices to pay for privacy.

Fingerprinting Protections

Browser fingerprinting occurs when a site uses your fonts, display size, and other characteristics and settings to identify you. The makers of Tor Browser were the first to see the problem of fingerprinting and started building in protections against it way back in 2007—before the term fingerprinting was even coined. Tor Browser's strategy, according to its blog, is to make every user's browser fingerprint identical. This differs from Brave's excellent strategy of randomizing the fingerprint components through farbling, and there are arguments for and against both methods.

The EFF's Cover Your Tracks test shows Tor Browser to have "strong protection against web tracking." It reports a "nearly unique fingerprint," which is better than most browsers, which get a "unique fingerprint." I expect the issue is there aren't enough Tor users to make the fingerprint seem fully unique to the test. Brave seems better when it comes to fingerprinting protection, but keep in mind that unless you use Brave with a VPN, your actual IP address is revealed, which, at this point, probably gives up more identifiability. With Tor, you're always protected against tracking that uses your IP address.

Using Tor Browser to Reach the Dark Web

You can use Tor to anonymize browsing to standard websites, of course, but there's a whole network of sites—now called Onion services—that don't appear on the standard web and are only visible if you're using a Tor connection. Onion services have URLs that end in .onion and are preceded by 16 alphanumeric characters. Onion services add even more anonymizing relay servers between you and the site, which you see in the Tor Circuit discussed above.

If you use a standard search engine, even a privacy-centric search engine like DuckDuckGo, you mostly see standard website results. Ahmia is one of a number of search engines for finding Onion services, with the twist of only showing sites that are on the up-and-up. You can find directories of these hidden sites with category lists that resemble early Yahoo results. A Tor Links Directory page (on the regular web) is a directory of these directories.

While nefarious Onion services certainly exist, plenty of services just want to offer a privacy-protecting version of their site. These include news services (BBC, The Guardian, and The New York Times) and social networks. Several news organizations offer Onion services for anonymous tips. There are many chat and message boards, and you can even find directories of things like lossless audio files, video game hacks, and financial services (think anonymous bitcoin). Some private email services, including Proton Mail, have Onion versions.

There are even Onion services for Facebook and Reddit. Despite social networks being thought of as the ultimate destroyers of privacy, they offer these services to users to communicate in repressive governments that block and surveil web traffic.

Because of the extra relay nodes, Onion services are very slow and sometimes are completely down. Often, you click an onion link only to be greeted with "Unable to Connect." The Ahmia search site helpfully displays when the service was last accessed.

Slow, With a Low Compatibility Score

Page load time is far slower when you use Tor Browser compared with a standard Internet connection. It's not possible to state definitively how much your browsing will be slowed down because it depends on the particular relay servers your traffic is being routed through. It will likely change for every browsing session.

In purely anecdotal testing with Speedtest.net, Tor Browser delivered just under 3Mbps download speed with a ping time of 308ms. On the same computer, Firefox showed 160Mbps with a 10ms ping. On the same connection, PCMag.com loaded in less than a second in Firefox and 11 seconds in Tor Browser. Your results will vary, but using the browser to stream 4K video may not work at all.

(Note: Ookla is owned by Ziff Davis, PCMag.com's parent company.)

A few quick runs of browserbench.org's Speedometer test (which simulates creating online to-do lists) shows Tor Browser getting a score of 180 runs per minute compared with 260 for Firefox and 323 for Edge, which uses the same rendering engine as Chrome. Occasionally, the perplexing result for Tor Browser was "Infinity," however.

Keep in mind that Tor Browser is based on Firefox Extended Support Releases, which update less frequently so that large organizations have time to maintain their custom code. That means you don't get quite the latest in Firefox performance and features, but security updates are delivered at the same time to Tor users as Firefox users.

There's a similar story when it comes to standards compatibility. On the HTML5Test site, which quantifies the number of new web standards supported by a browser, Tor Browser gets a score of 419, compared with 512 for the latest Firefox version and 528 for Edge and Chrome. You may run into incompatible sites because of Tor's privacy-blocking features.

Reclaim Your Online Privacy With Tor

With privacy on today's web constantly taking hits, Tor Browser is becoming increasingly necessary to have on hand. It lets you browse the web knowing that all those tracking services aren't watching your every move. Most of us have experienced an ad following use from site to site just because we clicked on or searched for a product or service once. All that goes away with Tor Browser. Of course, you pay the prices of extra setup time, slower performance, the lack of localization, and the inconvenience of a nonpersistent browser state. All this is less onerous than it may seem, and it's a fair trade-off for better-protected privacy. If you take your online privacy seriously, you owe it to yourself to check out Tor Browser.

About Michael Muchmore