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Amazon (for Android)

Amazon (for Android) Review

Amazon's Android app lets you browse, shop, and comparison shop with ease, despite a cramped interface and the need to download a separate app to use Prime Instant Video.

4.0 Excellent
Amazon (for Android) - Amazon (for Android)
4.0 Excellent

Bottom Line

Amazon's Android app lets you browse, shop, and comparison shop with ease, despite a cramped interface and the need to download a separate app to use Prime Instant Video.
  • Pros

    • Incredibly simple to browse and shop for items.
    • Scans real-world items and pulls up product pages.
    • Free.
  • Cons

    • Large icons create a cramped interface.
    • Must download other Amazon apps to enjoy purchased music and videos.

Amazon customers who want to purchase products using their Android smartphones or tablets have two options. The first involves pointing a Web browser at Amazon.com, but with that method comes the frustration of having to navigate a full website on a mobile device. The second option is the simpler, sounder solution: Download the free Android Amazon app. It lets you buy goods, check out recommended products, create wish lists, and use your device's camera to scan real-world items to find books, clothing, and more in the marketplace's database without manually searching for them. If you're an Amazon devotee, this well-designed app should be in your Android arsenal, despite its cramped interface and the need to download a separate app to use Prime Instant Video.

The Basics

You can sign into the app with your existing Amazon account credentials or create a new account from scratch. When I signed in with my username and password, Amazon displayed recommendations and other highlighted products in carousels in a similar manner to what you see in Amazon.com. Prime Instant Video movies and television shows are included in the mix if you subscribe to the wonderful Amazon Prime ($99 per year), but you can't watch content on your Android device unless you install the dedicated Prime Instant Video app.

In a similar vein, Android users who have the standalone Amazon Music With Prime Music( at Amazon) app installed on their devices enjoy an additional feature: automatic digital music downloads. For example, when I bought Portishead's "NYC Live" vinyl album (which came with a free MP3 version of the record), Amazon Music with Amazon Prime immediately began downloading the tracks to my Samsung Galaxy Note II. That's a very cool feature, but I wish the music downloads—as well as the video watching—were incorporated into the main app. Do I really need three Amazon apps on my smartphone's home screen? Note that you can deactivate automatic downloads.

Navigation and Scanning

Like Amazon.com, Amazon's mobile app lets you browse by department (CD & Vinyl, Computers, Video Games, and so on) as well as the aforementioned recommended and highlighted items carousels. Navigation is simple—you can swipe left, right, up, and down—but the product icons are a bit too large for the on-screen real estate, which creates a cramped, cluttered interface.

You can manually hunt for items by keying in a term or product name into the search box or by using the integrated barcode reader. You activate this by tapping the barcode reader icon located in the far-right side of the search box, holding your smartphone or tablet in landscape mode, and positioning a product's barcode to fit within in the orange viewfinder.

Amazon (for Android)The barcode reader worked almost flawlessly in my tests. It recognized the barcodes of out-of-print video games, tubs of shea butter, and household cleaning items, and it pulled up associated product pages so that I could purchase them. In fact, it recognized every barcode that I placed in front of the camera. The only time the barcode reader failed was when I scanned items in dim lightning.

Ebay's Android app has a very similar feature, but it differs from Amazon's app in one significant way: It pulls up related auction listings that feature your product as well as related products. For example, when I scanned the box for the video game Call of Duty: Ghosts, the eBay app pulled up the original Call of Duty game, as well as other titles in the series. I had to comb through the listings to find the game that I wanted, which was annoying. I much prefer Amazon's take on barcode searching.

An alternate scanning feature called Flow lets the app identify items without a barcode. It works by scanning the front of a magazine, Blu-ray disc, or other item, and pulling up product pages based on the images. Again, Amazon only failed to identify an item due to poor lighting. Both Flow and the barcode reader are great tools for comparison shopping when you're in a real-world store. I stepped into supermarkets, hobby shops, and hardware stores to test Flow's chops and comparison shop against in-store prices. As expected, many items in the Amazon marketplace were priced significantly cheaper than their brick-and-mortar counterparts, but I was surprised to find that physical stores sometimes beat Amazon in terms of pricing, particularly when dealing with collectibles like comic books and video games.

After you find an item of interest, you can add it to the check-out cart or your wish list. The Amazon app also lets you review purchased products, read product reviews, check out recently viewed items, tinker with account settings, and more. In short, using Amazon for Android is very much like using Amazon.com.

Shop 'Til You Drop

If you frequently visit Amazon.com, there's no reason the retailer's mobile app shouldn't have a home in your Android smartphone or tablet. It replicates the Amazon shopping experience with aplomb, while adding features that make it a breeze to comparison-check Amazon's prices while shopping in the real world. Amazon's Android app isn't perfect—I don't like the cramped interface or the need to download extra apps for the full Amazon experience—but it's definitely a worthy download.           

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About Jeffrey L. Wilson