Together, transforming lives through Assistive Technology

ATscale logo. A circle to the left with simple blue and red depictions of an ear and hearing aid, a mobile phone, eyeglasses and a wheelchair. Red and blue text reads: ATscale GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP  FOR ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY hosted by UNOPS.

Assistive Technology (AT) enables people to live healthier, more productive, independent, and more dignified lives than before and to participate in education, the labour market, and their communities. 

Today, 2.5 billion people globally need to use at least one type of AT, such as wheelchairs, hearing aids, prostheses, eyeglasses or digital services. 

In low-income countries only 10% of people have the AT they need, in stark contrast to the 90% of people in need in high-income countries who do. 

ATscale, the Global Partnership for Assistive Technology, is a cross-sector global partnership with a mission to transform people’s lives through AT. It catalyzes action to ensure that, by 2030, an additional 500 million people in low- and middle-income countries get the life-changing AT they need.

Read our latest news features below.

Annual Review 2023

Thumbnail for the 2023 Annual Review

Click on the thumbnail above to download the 2023 Annual Review in an accessible PDF format.

Last year marked the second full year of operations for ATscale and we are pleased to report on the progress made in implementing our ambitious agenda. In 2023, the partnership finalized the start up phase, further expanded country investments, made progress on global public goods interventions, and continued to advocate transformative assistive technology. The annual review provides an overview of achievements in 2023 and a summary of plans for 2024. We are proud of our investments made globally and locally so far and are confident they will lead to lasting impact.

Available to download in the following accessible formats: DAISY | EPUB | HTML

Available to download in the following languages: Arabic | French | Spanish

Watch this Unlock The Everyday campaign launch event video

Watch this UNOPS Insights short film

Watch this TEDx talk by ATscale CEO Pascal Bijleveld

Watch this short animation on how ATscale works

Watch this 90 second ATscale brand video

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Cover photo: David Constantine, Motivation