


CNN, NBC, ABC and The White House Have Lied (Atlanta)

We have been duped. As a Dem I feel raped at what has been revealed. From the top to the paid media they hid our Presidents state..? We saw it and we have been seeing it for a couple years. He’s running our country as a puppet because we now know everything Fox and Not friends has been saying was true yet the main stream covered it up. Who is running this country? I’m scared to death. The underplayed the border until it was unable to hide then took credit for fixing it. All the while saying the Presidents hands were tied. I’m so mad.. They went as far a few weeks ago to say the Republicans were doctoring videos with IA to show our President confused, stumbling etc saying it was a political move- it wasn’t he’s should not be in charge of anything especially nuclear codes. Then the debate was so evident CNN moderators, our party denounced him and made an obvious effort to acted shocked only because we saw it. 51 million people. Now more cover ups.

The media needs to be stopped. How can we end them? A National class action for causing hate and for the damage and deaths from this hate? I’ve worked hard since I was a teen going on 50 years to wake up to the fact that it’s all a lie. The politicians and big corporations are controlling or running this country for the almighty buck or beyond, for the evil empire, might sound cray but who is really running our country? . Or big corporations are placing the politicians in office to work all of us like pawns in their ploy.. I’m so mad. Just spend $221 at Walmart for two bags of pick up condiments basically for our 4th party. CNN you must disappear! How do we stop them?

No one has ever accused me of being smart or can I write well I have work skills so excuse my bad grammar. I’ve never been so anti government or mad at an institution like CNN! Please advise.

post id: 7763193290


best of [?]
