Gabriel Kwakyi

Wien, Wien, Österreich Kontaktinformationen
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My professional mission through leading the team at Lingvano, is to empower Deaf people…

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  • The App Store Optimization Stack

    Incipia & Phiture

    A framework illustrating how all the pieces of ASO are linked together, published in advance of our upcoming e-book on ASO.

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  • How to find and validate app ideas: the step-by-step guide


    If you’re looking to join the ranks of app entrepreneurs, come up with a good idea and start building an app, you’ve arrived at the right starting place. By reading this article, you’ll have a better idea of:

    1. How to come up with a good app idea.
    2. How to validate your app idea to ensure it’s worth investing your time, effort and money into.

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  • Mobile App Churn: Causes, Warning Signs, and Prevention


    On average, only 25-40% of new customers will re-launch an app after the first week. This number diminishes as time goes on, ultimately falling to 4% one year out.

    To help app publishers conquer the retention problem, I cover the main reasons for churn, how to identify the warning signs, and five ways to prevent churn in your mobile app.

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  • App Discovery is Broken. Here's How to Fix it.

    Mobile Dev Memo

    With annual growth in smartphone users cooling off (per Gartner research growth was 7% in 2016 vs 73% in 2010) and spend per mobile user increasing (per a recent App Annie Webinar, ad spend per user will rise from ~$40 in 2016 to ~$50 in 2018), the need to improve user satisfaction with app discovery, and thus downloads, is the clear App Store priority.

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  • Why the Art of Form Optimization is Absolutely Worth Your Time


    To illustrate the importance of forms with data: making a 10% improvement in the onboarding flow completion rate for an app receiving 1,500 new installs per day with an ARPU of $2 equates to an extra $109,500 per year in revenues.

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  • Difference Between Optimizing Apps for the App Store vs Google Play Store

    Mobile Action

    While the app stores of both Apple and Google share many similarities, there are also some significant differences in how each operates, as well as how to perform ASO for each store.

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  • Why User Retention is Key and How to Improve Yours


    The world of mobile apps is quite a lucrative one, filled with zero to riches stories and multi-billion dollar acquisitions. Yet making it to the top of the charts requires diligence in not only acquiring users, but also retaining them for the long-haul.

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  • 5 Frequently Asked Questions About App Store Optimization

    Business 2 Community

    As a new and mysterious, algorithm-driven field, there are many questions about how app store algorithms work and how to optimize your app listing to gain more visibility and drive more downloads - in this post find answers to some of the most frequently asked ASO questions based on Quora threads, Google searches and conversations with our clients.

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  • Deconstructing Why Apps Get Featured

    Apps World

    Figuring out the why apps get featured by Apple is a constant struggle for app developers large and small, as the reward of being featured is not only increased visibility and downloads, but also the prestige of being singled out by the creator and curator of the app store ecosystem. So how does Apple decide which apps to grace with its “featured” distinction? Find out in this study!

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  • 11 Marketing Channels to Promote Your Mobile App

    Business 2 Community

    One of the crucial components of any mobile app strategy is to put together a comprehensive and sound marketing plan that taps into the many avenues for building awareness, driving downloads and encouraging sharing. This begs the question: where should I promote my app? Read on to learn how!

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  • (Contributor to) ASO Optimization Part 1: SearchHome


    (From Whitepaper executive summary): App Store Optimization (ASO) is the process of improving various elements of app submission and marketing techniques to help achieve higher ranking in an app store’s search results. With 67% of users reporting that the last app they downloaded was found via an app store search, how to improve search ranking within those stores has become one of the most critical publisher ASO requirements. This white paper addresses the various free and paid solutions…

    (From Whitepaper executive summary): App Store Optimization (ASO) is the process of improving various elements of app submission and marketing techniques to help achieve higher ranking in an app store’s search results. With 67% of users reporting that the last app they downloaded was found via an app store search, how to improve search ranking within those stores has become one of the most critical publisher ASO requirements. This white paper addresses the various free and paid solutions available to better understand the scope of what to do in order to achieve better app visibility, discoverability and conversions.

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  • Optimizing Bing Shopping Campaigns Part 1

    The SEM Post

    While shopping ads share the same SERP as keyword-based text ads, they are a completely different animal when it comes to campaign management and optimization.

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  • The Cross-Border Series Part 4: Advertising In APAC

    Search Engine Land

    Asia Pacific, or APAC, includes countries along the Pacific Rim of Asia and Oceania, and in aggregate, this region of about 20 countries counts near 4 billion people and $24 trillion in aggregate GDP. This final segment of the cross-border series dives deeper into the digital opportunity available in APAC, providing considerations and best practices useful for digital marketers looking to establish an effective strategy in the region.

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  • The Cross-Border Series Part 3: Landing An E-Commerce Strategy In Latin America

    Search Engine Land

    When it comes to Latin America’s status among digital marketers, one major theme rings out: Latin American customers cannot be ignored by any business that is serious about international growth.

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  • The Cross-Border Series Part 2: Establishing A Search Marketing Strategy In Europe

    Search Engine Land

    For businesses around the world seeking growth, expanding to Europe is an excellent opportunity. Europeans, who number over 500 million, have some of the world’s highest disposable household incomes and drive a massive regional e-commerce industry valued at EUR 200 billion and growing at just under 20% annually. Read on for tips to keep in mind when formulating a European Business and Search Marketing Strategy.

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  • The Cross-Border Series Part 1: Capturing Canadian Conversions

    Search Engine Land

    Just as businesses who ignore mobile searchers miss out on a huge number of potential customers, businesses who focus solely on Americans miss out on a massive number of global customers. If you think your company doesn’t have business opportunities outside of the United States, it’s about time to rethink your business strategy.

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  • 5 PPC Optimization Strategies You Should Be Doing But Probably Aren’t

    The SEM Post

    Today’s article is a sharing session of a few deeper optimization strategies that I’ve used, which can help search marketers like you continue driving for results after exhausting surface-level strategies.

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  • 5 Tactics to Maximize Conversion Rate

    JXT Group

    For search marketers, conversion rate is an important metric used to judge success and a big factor in advocating for a fair share of a business’s overall marketing budget. As such, search marketers spend countless hours studying, optimizing and seeking advice on improving this vital metric; read on to discover 5 unique tips to improve your campaign conversion rate.

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  • Don’t Skip the Side of Sitelink Optimization

    The SEM Post

    If asked, every search marketer worth her or his salt would likely claim to be well-versed in developing appealing ads, crafting keyword-rich ad text and even making data-driven ad optimization decisions. Yet just how many search marketers regularly extend their ad analysis to the bottom half of the ad?

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  • New Version of Bing Ads Campaign Planner Released in Time for the Holidays

    Bing Ads Blog

    Bing Ads has just released a more robust version of the new Campaign Planner tool, just in time for the holiday season! This tool combines three core capabilities within one easy to use interface: Vertical & Product Trends, Keyword Research and Competitive Insight. In this post you will learn the key benefits of Campaign Planner, as well as quick tips on leveraging the tool to maximize your holiday efforts.

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  • The Bing Ads Campaign Planner Tool – Search Geeks Rejoice!


    This campaign optimization gem is accessible from the tools tab in the Bing Ads UI and provides keyword, product and category-level insight. Read on to get the insider’s information on what the Campaign Planner tool brings to the table, and come away with several powerful use cases that illustrate how you can integrate this tool into your SEM strategy today!

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  • Pivot Table Magic: Improve CTR in 5 Easy Steps

    The SEM Post

    Low CTR search terms are the most granular level of keyword match-based ad campaigns; as such, search terms are where the majority of performance trends are ultimately created. Read on to learn how to use an excel pivot table to identify and exclude sub-par search terms.

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  • Going Mobile: PPC Tips to Help Boost Sales This Holiday Season

    Bing Ads Blog

    Did you know that consumers in the U.S. will spend over $800 billion this holiday season? In order for marketers to get as large a slice as possible of this near trillion dollar pie, mobile must be first on the agenda. Read on to learn how to measure and optimize for mobile.

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  • Managing Unified Campaigns Through Bing Ads for Better ROI

    The SEM Post

    Dive into the details of managing unified campaigns through the Bing Ads platform. Read on to review the new, unified device targeting, discover which tools and reports to leverage, and learn some helpful tips and tricks.

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  • Dynamic Data and Presentation Pizzazz With Excel PowerMap

    PPC Hero

    Search Marketers: if you’ve been dreaming of a way to make quarterly business reviews more engaging, then look no further than PowerMap

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  • Using Data Transparency Insights to Optimize Your Bing Ads Campaigns

    Bing Ads Blog

    When it comes to improving the yield of your search advertising campaigns, increasing your CTR is not only one of the most valuable activities, but it’s also very measurable and there are many ways to optimize it! With a March 2014 Bing Ads update, Bing took a big step forward in data transparency, allowing advertisers to take advantage of 20-40 times more data volume and make critical improvements to campaigns.

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  • Bring The Hammer Down on Inefficient Spend With Dimension Analysis

    PPC Hero

    There are other ways to improve your search advertising ROI besides lowering budgets, bids and pausing keywords based on some criteria. Read this article to learn how to dig into the data to identify, analyze and optimize your campaigns and control inefficient ad spend!

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  • A&O Be Bold Award

    Frank Holland: Global CVP Microsoft Advertising, Microsoft Advertising & Online

    For doubling monthly revenue attainment, raising customer satisfaction, contributing to the success of others across A&O and evangelizing Bing Ads internally & externally.

  • All Star Award

    Pat Hayes: Global VP Search, Microsoft Advertising & Online

    For producing a direct impact on the business, raising the bar for customer satisfaction, driving cross-team collaboration and building, developing and maintaining team culture.

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