
Sachsenburg, Kärnten 14.310 Follower:innen

From wood to wonders.


Die HASSLACHER Gruppe ist ein global agierender Innovationsführer im Bereich intelligenter und integrierter Systemlösungen für den modernen Holzbau. Das familiengeführte Unternehmen ist seit vielen Generationen mit Holz als wunderbar nachwachsendem Rohstoff verwurzelt und steht seit mehr als 120 Jahren für Pioniergeist, Leistung, Qualität, Langfristigkeit und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung. Gemeinsam mit ihren 2.000 Mitarbeiter:innen produziert die HASSLACHER Gruppe für Europa und den weltweiten Markt innovative Produkte in den Bereichen Schnittholz, Hobelware, Brettschichtholz, Brettsperrholz und Konstruktionsvollholz für den modernen Holzbau. Getreu dem Motto „From wood to wonders.“ Weitere Informationen: hasslacher.com

1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Sachsenburg, Kärnten
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Innovationen, Ingenieurholzbau, Konstruktionsvollholz, Brettsperrholz, Brettschichtholz, Geprüfte Leimholz Träger, Hobelware, Paletten & Verpackungslösungen, Pellets, Balkenschichtholz DUO/TRIO, Schalungsplatten, Formwork Panels, Glued Laminated Timber, Structural finger jointed solid timber, Cross laminated timber, Special components, Sonderbauteile, Abbund und Oberfl��chenveredelungszentrum




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    NEW! > HASSLACHER Green Tower - Our hybrid tower in timber frame construction as the perfect combination of ecology and economy! #HASSLACHERgreentower #HasslacherNoricaTimber #FromWoodToWonders

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    Unser HASSLACHER Green Tower Holz-Hybridturm für Windkraftanlagen setzt weltweit neue Maßstäbe, sowohl ökologisch als auch ökonomisch. Der GREEN Tower ist typenzertifiziert, für leistungsfähige Anlage konzipiert und wettbewerbsfähig! Turmlasten mit Nabenhöhen von über 160 m, Leistungen der Windkraftanlagen von mehr als 6 MW und die Krafteinwirkungen von Rotoren mit einem Durchmesser von ca. 170 m können durch unser Turmkonzept abgetragen werden. Bäume wachsen doch in den Himmel!  :: The HASSALCHER Green Tower sets new standards worldwide with its timber hybrid tower system for wind turbines, ecologically and economically. The GREEN tower has a DIBt type certificate, is designed for powerful up to date wind turbines and is competitive. Tower loads of hub heights over 160m, power outputs of wind turbines with over 6MW and rotor diameters of around 170m can be carried effectively. Yes, trees do grow into the sky! #RenewableEnergy #WindEnergy #HASSLACHERgreentower #FromWoodToWonders HASSLACHER Green Tower - A member of HASSLACHER NORICA TIMBER

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    This 39,200 m² project in Middelkerke, Belgium inspires with its impressive architecture. It was built by the Belgian construction companies Furnibo and Democo in a temporary partnership and created by the design team ZJA, OZ, DELVA and Bureau Bouwtechniek. The free-form exoskeleton made of Accoya components encompasses the entire hotel building, which is based on the casino of the building complex. The shape is reminiscent of a harbour bollard used for mooring ships and is an absolute eye-catcher on the Belgian coast. The structure has an impressive size of around 42m x 33m at a hight of 25m and consists of a total of 1314 components made from 115 m³ glulam. It is located directly and exposed on the seashore in Middelkerke and fulfils the requirements of service class 3, wich requires the highest standards in structural timber protection. This had to be implemented in conjunction with the requirements of the Accoya wood. Due to the corrosive environment, the highest demands are also placed on the corrosion resistance of all fasteners and steel parts. Another challenge was the tight schedule. The project was successfully realised within a year, from planning to production and installation. --- ↟↟ Location: Middelkerke, Belgium ↟↟ Client: TM Democo/Furnibo ↟↟ Architect or planner: ZJA, OZ, DELVA and Bureau Bouwtechniek ↟↟ Owner: Municipality of Middelkerke ↟↟ Year of construction: 2023-2024 ↟↟ Used wooden products: 115 m³ glued laminated timber (Accoya) --- ↟↟ More about the HASSLACHER group's products: https://lnkd.in/eNbH5JiB ↟↟ The HASSLACHER group's projects: https://lnkd.in/gTKnzjkh --- © HASSLACHER Gruppe | Stefan Steenkiste --- #GluedLaminatedTimber #Accoya #Exoskeleton #FreeForm #HasslacherNoricaTimber #FromWoodToWonders #SiltMiddelkerke 🐿️

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    📅 Aviso Internationale Holzmesse Klagenfurt | 28. - 31.8.2024 📅 Internationale Fachmesse für Forst, Säge, Holzbau, Tischlerei, Transport, Bioenergie und Jagd und führende Fachmesse im Herzen Europas. 🌲🌳 Mit über 500 Fachausstellern aus 20 Nationen ist das Messeduo „Internationale Holzmesse/HOLZ & BAU“ der wichtigste Marktplatz in Mittel- und Südosteuropa. Auf einer Ausstellungsfläche von 50.000 Quadratmetern finden man alle Marktführer und die neuesten Trends. Die Int. Holzmesse Klagenfurt gibt einen idealen Überblick entlang der Wertschöpfungskette Holz – „vom Wald (Forst) bis zum Massivholz. 📍 Die HASSLACHER Gruppe ist in der Halle 5 auf dem Stand B03/B04 vertreten. 📍 Kommen Sie vorbei und entdecken Sie unsere neuesten Innovationen und Angebote. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch! #HolzmesseKlagenfurt #HasslacherNoricaTimber #FromWoodToWonders 🐿️

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    Viel los beim Holzbauforum Stuttgart Beim 2. Süddeutschen Holzbau Kongress (SHK 2024) in der Schwabenlandhalle Fellbach, Deutschland, stand eine Vielzahl an Themen am Programm: Ob Modulbau, Green Deal, neue Möglichkeiten durch weitgespannte Holzdeckensysteme, die Aufwertung durch Nachverdichtung, marktgerecht Bauen, Brandschutz und Fassade, zirkuläres Bauen oder Konzepte und Konstruktionen für den mehrgeschossigen Holzbau - die Themen waren vielfältig und die Veranstaltung gut besetzt. Auch die HASSLACHER Gruppe nahm an diesem interessanten Forum Holzbau teil und präsentierte ihr themenbezogenes Produktportfolio und Know-how. Bild: vlnr. Reinhard Lesacher (Vertriebsleiter Nordeuropa), Ingrid Höhensteiger (FHB), Andreas Jesenko (Vertrieb Deutschland). #HolzbauforumStuttgart #HasslacherNoricaTimber #FromWoodToWonders 🐿️

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    An office building has been built for Mobile Industrial Robots (MIR) and Universal Robots (UR) in Odense. The two companies are manufacturers of collaborative robots, so-called cobots, which work together and in direct contact with humans. Unlike normal industrial robots, they are not separated from employees by fences or other protective equipment. The new joint headquarters of the two robotics companies will cover approximately 20,000 m², which will be spread out on three floors. Both the load-bearing components and the walls will be made of wood. The warm appearance of the wood creates an inviting atmosphere and, together with the open spaces and large windows, contributes to a pleasant working environment. In addition to the office space, showrooms and areas for research and development of collaborative and mobile robots are also planned. --- ↟↟ Location: Odense, DK ↟↟ Client: NCC Danmark A/S ↟↟ Architect or planner: 3XN/GXN ↟↟ Owner: Universal Robots A/S ↟↟ Year of construction: 2024 ↟↟ Used wooden products: Glued laminated timber, cross laminated timber --- ↟↟ More about the HASSLACHER group's products: https://lnkd.in/eNbH5JiB ↟↟ More about the project: https://lnkd.in/dCvsND7e --- © HASSLACHER Gruppe | NCC | Jonathan Grevsen --- #Robotics #Research #Office #GluedLaminatedTimber #CrossLaminatedTimber #HasslacherNoricaTimber #FromWoodToWonders #CobotHub 🐿️

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    Traditioneller Holzstraßenkirchtag! Unter dem Ehrenschutz von Weltmeister und Olympiasieger Franz Klammer fand der traditionelle Kärntner Holzstraßenkirchtag letztes Wochenende (14.07.2024) in Fresach statt und war ein voller Erfolg! 🌲 Ein besonderes Highlight war die Kärntner Waldarbeitsmeisterschaft 2024, bei der die Teilnehmer:innen ihr Können in verschiedenen Disziplinen der praktischen Waldarbeit unter Beweis stellten. Die spektakulären Wettkämpfe boten Spannung und Action für Jung & Alt und zogen zahlreiche Besucher an. Wir freuen uns, dass auch die HASSLACHER Gruppe mit ihrer Rundholzabteilung vertreten war und das Event bereichert hat. Vielen Dank an alle Teilnehmer:innen und Besucher:innen für dieses unvergessliche Erlebnis! 🌳 📅 Datum: Sonntag, 14. Juli 2024 📍 Ort: Fresach Bild von links nach rechts Andreas Pliessnig (Rundholzeinkauf Oberkärnten), Rene Reiterer (Leiter Rundholzlogistik), Angela Hyps (Rundholzdisposition), Peter Lausegger (Rundholzeinkauf Unterkärnten). #HolzstrassenKirchtag #HasslacherNoricaTimber #FromWoodToWonders 🐿️

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    With all your senses: Discovering new things together. Immersing yourself in the wonderful nature of the Hohe Tauern National Park with all your senses, discovering new things at the BIOS National Park Centre Mallnitz and spending time together - that was the aim of the excursion taken by a team from the HASSLACHER group (Sachsenburg site) together with residents and carers from the pro mente kijufa KIZ Spittal. Whether it was the vastness of the landscape around Lake Stappiz, the many interactive possibilities of the National Park Centre or the delicious snacks provided by the residents - the day under the motto "Look over it and breathe over it" was an all-round successful experience. How crisis intervention centres help: Crisis intervention centres are there for children and young people between the ages of 4 and 18 who find themselves in various emergency and crisis situations. They not only offer protection and safety, but also psychological relief and stabilisation, the joint development and activation of resources, support in coping with stressful situations, the development of new perspectives and: they really are available around the clock all year round! More information: https://lnkd.in/dsj8Z3Tj Photos: Silvia Schneeweiss (Sustainability Manager HASSLACHER group), Bernadette Brandstätter (Sales Director North and South America) and Rita Kaufmann-Linke (Head of HR HASSLACHER group) were enthusiastic about the eventful day with the residents and carers of the KIZ Spittal of pro mente kijufa in the Hohe Tauern National Park. © HASSLACHER group & KIZ #ResponsibilityTowards #HasslacherNoricaTimber #FromWoodToWonders 🐿️

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    Welcome EGOIN! Yesterday we welcomed the Egoin wood group's board of directors to our headquarters of the HASSLACHER Group in Sachsenburg. A meeting that not only included a highly exciting exchange of technical information, but also a visit to the production sites. The strategic partnership was also symbolically deepened with the planting of a "sapling" of the Tree of Gernika near our headquarters, symbolizing the strong alliance that unites Egoin and the HASSLACHER group. An alliance born from the strategic agreement signed last year and whose common objective is to strengthen and consolidate our position in international markets by promoting the use of glulam (#MLE) and cross-laminated timber (#CLT) as sustainable and pioneering solutions in the construction sector. Thank you for visiting us! Picture In front of the sapling of the Gernika tree are from right to left: Raffaele Parlato, Franz Meliessnig, Hannes Hoehmueller, Unai Agirre, Rafael Gorroño, Christian Siller, Claudia Kulterer, Asier Gorroño, Christoph Kulterer, Javier Agirre, Luis Gorroño, Unai Gorroño, Josu Abasolo and Josu Munitxa. Copyright: HASSLACHER Group #Egoin #FromWoodToWonders #HasslacherNoricaTimber 🐿

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    The HASSLACHER group supplied systemized roofing for car, bus and truck charging stations for the Vivatro GmbH charging park in St. Veit an der Glan, Austria. A total of 139 m³ of glued laminated timber (spruce ) in visible quality were used in the project, which were produced at the Hermagor site and prefabricated including steel parts and fasteners. The carport frame was also pre-assembled at the factory. This meant that the construction time on site was kept short: the carports were built within two weeks, while the bus port only took a week. Read more about the HASSLACHER group’s timber construction solutions for e-charging stations here: wood-x-emobility.com --- ↟↟ Location: St. Veit an der Glan, AT ↟↟ Customer: Vivatro GmbH ↟↟ Architect or planner: Skape Architects ↟↟ Design and construction: freiraum ZT gmbh ↟↟ Owner: Vivatro GmbH ↟↟ Year of building: 2023 ↟↟ Time for building: carport: 2 weeks; busport: 1 week ↟↟ Used wooden products: Glued laminated timber (spruce) in visible quality --- ↟↟ More about the HASSLACHER products: https://lnkd.in/eNbH5JiB ↟↟ More about the project: https://lnkd.in/dWwVRbtk --- © Vivatro GmbH --- #ChargingHub #Mobility #Eletricity #HasslacherNoricaTimber #FromWoodToWonders #VivatroCampus 🐿️

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    A raised bed for the social welfare organisation. 🌱 Small projects that enrich the everyday life of charitable organisations, helping out with projects for fellow human beings, spending time together and helping - these are the nationwide commitment days of the "Verantwortung zeigen" network, in which the HASSLACHER group is also personally involved. Back in June, a team from our site in Hermagor travelled to the cowota residential home run by Diakonie de La Tour to set up a raised bed from our own production in Preding with the residents. The joy was great, the project was a success and once the planting is complete, we hope to be harvesting fresh vegetables soon! Photo: Kurt Ronacher and Elias Rupnig (HASSLACHER group Hermagor site) with the caretakers from the cowota shared accommodation at Diakonie de La Tour © Network "Show Responsibility" #ShowResponsibility #HasslacherNoricaTimber #FromWoodToWonders 🐿️

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