Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

Always orient a sundial towards polar north?

I had a horizontal sundial made specially for my latitude (approx. 38° N). The default correct way to orient a sundial (in the northern hemisphere) is with the gnomon pointing towards polar north. The ...

the-sun time clock  
user avatar asked by Paul J. Lucas Score of 11
user avatar answered by Chappo Hasn't Forgotten Score of 19

Historically, when were the terrestrial planets first called terrestrial planets?

When did we start using the phrase "terrestrial planets" to refer to the inner planets in English scientific writing?

planet history  
user avatar asked by oaklight37 Score of 6

What does HJD-2450000 mean?

I've been looking at the OGLE Collection of Variable stars for the purposes of making a machine learning model to classify variable stars by their plots. In each variable star, I see the following ...

magnitude variable-star  
user avatar asked by Astrovis Score of 5
user avatar answered by James K Score of 12

How can you calculate the distance to an object knowing its cosmological redshift? (without Hubbles law)

Given some redshift z, how do we find the distance using the cosmological red shift formula (and presumably the Friedmann equations)? a = 1/(1+z), and we can assume that omega_0 = 1. I know a ...

cosmology redshift  
user avatar asked by n014 Score of 5
user avatar answered by Walter Score of 5

Required temperature for a nova

On the wikipedia page of the nova is said that the CNO cyle, which converts hydrogen into helium, starts on the surface of the white dwarf when the temperature reaches about 20 million K. My question ...

star white-dwarf fusion nova  
user avatar asked by jack_O'Dim Score of 4
user avatar answered by Peter Erwin Score of 2

How did the Local Interstellar Cloud form?

The Local Interstellar Cloud (LIC) is a low-density interstellar cloud which embed the Sun and other stars. How did this region form? I suppose a supernova or stellar winds from multiple stars may ...

the-sun interstellar-cloud local-interstellar-cloud  
user avatar asked by jack_O'Dim Score of 3

Why does the blue loop occur?

I understand that the blue loop is a loop in the HR diagram performed by stars from 2-8 solar masses. I was curious as to why they occur, but when I researched all I got is that it is when the star ...

stellar-evolution red-giant  
user avatar asked by Astrovis Score of 3
user avatar answered by Walter Score of 2

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

If a massive object like Jupiter flew past the Earth how close would it need to come to pull people off of the surface?

I understand this is a silly hypothetical but I'm asking for a 7 year old so please bear with me. Imagine an interstellar stray gas giant comes flying through our solar system. If we were not ...

user avatar asked by Yevgeny Simkin Score of 70
user avatar answered by uhoh Score of 102

Did atoms in human body indeed come from stars?

I think I am not alone who saw videos about that we (humans) are made of same atoms which someday were in stars. In other words, some atoms in our bodies are from stars which exploded billions of ...

user avatar asked by user1880405 Score of 20
user avatar answered by stevenvh Score of 8

Is it possible for a lunar eclipse to occur before sunset

I am thinking of a partial lunar eclipse where the Sun has not set yet but all three celestial objects are at such an angle that the Earth can cast some of its shadow on the Moon. Is such a scenario ...

user avatar asked by Aaron S Score of 30
user avatar answered by James K Score of 44

What is this rapidly twinkling red, blue, and white star I saw?

Last night, I was on my balcony at 1AM (PST) and I looked up and saw two stars near the horizon (I'd guess ~30 degrees above the horizon), and they were "twinkling" about twice as fast as other stars ...

star night-sky  
user avatar asked by Gogeta70 Score of 9
user avatar answered by Dr Chuck Score of 11

How did our ancestors discover the Solar System?

I wonder, how did our ancestors discover the Solar System? They did not have any telescopes to see distant objects, right? Even a planet looks like a star from a distance. They discovered the ...

solar-system history  
user avatar asked by user804401 Score of 11
user avatar answered by Victor Stafusa Score of 23

Why do objects burn when they enter earth's atmosphere?

Why do all objects burn when they enter our atmosphere? is this because of our atmosphere composition? and does this happen on other planets as well?

user avatar asked by A.K Score of 5
user avatar answered by stevenvh Score of 10

Is the sun any brighter during a solar eclipse

I keep hearing that you can go blind during a solar eclipse. Is the sun actually any brighter during a solar eclipse? This is how the media seems to frame it, and they suggest you need special ...

user avatar asked by Scorb Score of 6
user avatar answered by Florin Andrei Score of 7

Can you answer these questions?

Why is there a discrepancy between the difference in ecliptic longitudes as found with Skyfield when accounting or not accounting for precession?

I'm using Skyfield to calculate some ecliptic longitudes for various dates. I understand that the 0° point of ecliptic longitude changes based on precession due to being the intersection between the ...

coordinate software ecliptic precession skyfield  
user avatar asked by Outis Nemo Score of 1

How to get the direction of the rotation axis of a celestial body using JPL Horizons?

When asking Horizons for ephemeris, it doesn't include the information of the rotation axis. Is there a way to obtain it?(may include calculations based on the given information) And is there any way ...

planet coordinate jpl-horizons  
user avatar asked by Stellar Horizon Score of 2

Do there exist open-source implementations of non-SGP4 propagators?

I'm well familiar with SGP4 and its implementations in various languages. I am curious if there are open-source implementations of J2Mean, J2, J3, J4, etc propagation techniques. If my terminology is ...

orbital-mechanics artificial-satellite software modeling  
user avatar asked by Michael Bonnet Score of 2
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