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Include people with disabilities in the hiring process.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Schedule A Excepted Service Hiring Authority for People with Disabilities

Find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about using the federal Schedule A Excepted Service hiring authorities to support employment of people with disabilities.

Schedule A Excepted Service Hiring Authority for People with Disabilities

Learn about using the federal Schedule A Excepted Service hiring authorities to advance employment of people with disabilities in the federal sector.

Planning for Inclusive Hiring

Building a foundation for an inclusive environment from day one can help organizations of all sizes and in all industries meet their diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) goals.

Schedule A Hiring Authority

Learn about a special non-competitive hiring authority for people with disabilities applying for jobs with the Federal Government.

Additional Results

Accessible Onboarding

Ensure your organization’s onboarding processes are accessible and inclusive for employees with disabilities.

Online Recruitment of and Outreach to People with Disabilities: Research-Based Practices

This document summarizes results of a literature review on effective strategies for recruiting people with disabilities. 

Putting Research into Practice: Online Outreach Strategies for Attracting Job Seekers with Disabilities

This research-to-practice brief explores how targeted online outreach to job candidates with disabilities is an effective talent strategy.

Planning an Accessible Career Fair or Hiring Event

This checklist covers how to ensure online or in-person career fairs are accessible for everyone.

Checklist for Employers: Facilitating the Hiring of People with Disabilities Through the Use of eRecruiting Screening Systems, Including AI

Use this checklist to evaluate your organization's contracts with vendors who provide eRecruiting screening tools.

Federal Hiring Authorities from a Disability Perspective

Learn about federal hiring authorities that support federal agency efforts to hire people with disabilities.

Small Business Toolkit: Hire Workers with Disabilities

Explore strategies to help small businesses effectively hire people with disabilities.

Small Business Toolkit

Discover valuable information and resources to help small businesses build talent pipelines, address workforce needs, and gain insights into recruiting, hiring, retaining, and advancing people with disabilities.

Hire (& Keep) the Best: Talent Acquisition & Retention Processes

Learn about effective policies and process for hiring and retaining employees with disabilities as part of overall effort to meet organizational diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) goals.  

Inclusive Hiring: Applicable Laws and Regulations

Learn about federal laws and regulations that impact the hiring process.

Hiring Strategies for Specific Sectors and Industries

Understand special considerations for federal contractors, Federal Government and state government employers, and small businesses for hiring people with disabilities. 

Hiring in Action: Case Studies

Read about companies’ efforts to ensure their hiring processes are inclusive and meet their talent needs and diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) goals.

Small Business Toolkit: Why Hire People with Disabilities?

Learn why recruiting, hiring, retaining, and advancing workers with disabilities is great for small businesses.

Ensuring Accessibility in the Hiring Process

Learn about strategies to ensure your organization's hiring processes are accessible to all applicants, including people with disabilities.

EARN 2023 Think Tank: Hiring in Practice

“Transforming Human Resources (HR) Through Innovative Disability-Inclusive Policies and Practices” participants identified challenges to inclusive hiring and potential solutions to address them.

Frequently Asked Questions
