Why Is It Important to Raise Awareness of Climate Change in Chan Chan?

Hear it from the experts

Milagros FloresCyArk

Milagros Flores, ICOMOS: “A world heritage site generates national identity, a community. It supports the intangible cultural elements of that monument. And if we lose those monuments a whole chain of elements that are reflected in that community will be affected."   

"It is not only stone or mud that is helping to prevent it from disappearing, the intangible aspect of that effect on the community is also being prevented.” 

ICOMOS representative Milagros Flores presents at Chan Chan by CyArkCyArk

“Climate change is a thing that scares many people, but there is hope. There are things that people can do to mitigate in their daily lives.”  

“It is about creating awareness, about being alert. To understand that this is the moment for each one to do their part, so that everyone puts their grain of sand in this great effort.” 

Ministry of Culture official use laser scanning to document one of the walled complexes at Chan Chan by CyArkCyArk

Lucio Mora, Manager of RPA equipment, Pan American Center: “It is a responsibility to raise awareness, so that we can take care of what little we have now.” 

Lucio MoraCyArk

“We still have to take care of it, not just for ourselves, but for those who come and investigate to find out who they were, who we were. There is so much we can learn to avoid the mistakes our society currently makes.”   

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Find out more about ICOMOS' efforts to increase engagement of cultural heritage in climate action here.

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