
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex with their bridesmaids and pageboys (offficial wedding portrait)

Alexi Lubomirski2018-05-19

Clarence House

Clarence House
United Kingdom

The Duke and Duchess are pictured in The Green Drawing Room, Windsor Castle with (left-to-right): Back row: Master Brian Mulroney, Miss Remi Litt, Miss Rylan Litt, Master Jasper Dyer, His Royal Highness Prince George, Miss Ivy Mulroney, Master John Mulroney Front row: Miss Zalie Warren, Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte, Miss Florence van Cutsem


  • Title: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex with their bridesmaids and pageboys (offficial wedding portrait)
  • Creator: Alexi Lubomirski/ The Duke and Duchess of Sussex
  • Date Created: 2018-05-19
  • Rights: All rights reserved

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