
A stele. It depicts the scene of the miracle of Sravasti. This densely carved slate (119 x 97 cm) has a large central Buddha in the gesture of preaching surrounded by seated and standing figures. The total number of figures is 68. It is a rare example of Gandhara School.

The story that it depicts is that Buddha was challenged by six teachers of Rajagriha to participate in a contest of miracles before the King Prasenajit in Sravasti. The Buddha walked in air, flames leaping from his shoulders and water running from his feet. He then transformed himself into many images which floated in the air reaching up to heaven while he preached the Law.


  • Title: Miracle of Sravasti
  • Physical Location: Lahore Museum, Lahore
  • Location Created: Muhammad Nari. Khaibar Pakhtun Khuwa Pakistan
  • Physical Dimensions: W.95cm H.97cm D.20cm
  • Rights: Lahore Museum, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Medium: Carving in schist stone

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