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Odd One Out

Can you spot the odd one out? Guess the AI generated “imposters” hidden among the artworks on Google Arts & Culture.


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In Rhythm with Nature

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Visual Crosswords with David Kwong

Unveil unexpected artwork pairings with Visual Crosswords! This special edition is designed exclusively for Google Arts & Culture by David Kwong and Dave Shukan. David Kwong is a world class creator of enigmas and illusions and frequently contributes to the New York Times. He also designs codes and challenges for famous films and TV shows.

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Making a splash

Icarus and his father, Daedalus, learnt how to fly with wings made of feathers and wax, but Icarus flew too close to the sun and melted the wax. Here, he crashes into the sea as the world goes on around him.

Ploughing ahead

Bruegel's design puts an ordinary farmer in the foreground, leaving the 'epic' myth of Icarus to happen in the background. Life goes on, and the indifference is both funny and tragic.

Sail away

Bruegel foregrounds ordinary life, and relegates these grand ships to the background, in a technique known as 'Mannerist inversion'

Sheeping around

Several sheep can be seen wandering around the coastal edge. Do you think any of them fell into the water like Icarus?

Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, Bruegel the Elder

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What is batik?

Batik comes from the word 'amba' and 'tik' meaning drawing using dots. These dots were made using a 'canting' and melted wax.

Timeless batik

As a craft praised and loved worldwide, Indonesian batik has been designated by UNESCO as a masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

Two styles meet

This batik style has two different motifs which meets diagonally in the middle. The two sides contrast with different patterns and colors.

Darker and lighter

The two sides of the batik motifs contrast with lighter and darker colors. When worn, the lighter side would be used in the mourning to wrap around the waist and the darker side would be used in afternoon.

Batik Pagi Sore, Museum Tekstil Jakarta

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Who painted this 'Melancholy Woman'?
Clue: they are known for co-founding the Cubist movement
Pablo Picasso
Melancholy Woman, Pablo Picasso, Detroit Institute of Arts

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